Archived: Still waiting!!!
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Still waiting!!!
07/05/07 10:26 pm | #1
I have no clue at all when my xbox is coming! All i know is that is it better be before the summer ends or im going to be soo mad!!! But i still got to play my cuzes Wii and my friends xbox last week!!! It took a while but i got use to the remote sensore and i played CoD 3 and Smackdown VS. RAW at my friends house( o by the way pasta i found that if you let go of the ball really late it well go perfectly straight( i relized that after i got a 203 point game or whatever they are called)) I ended up playing wiiplay and wiisport, need for speed, amd paper mario(really good game but you well need the the computer a lot it is way easyer trust me) So i guess u can say that im getting by pretty well!
Re: Still waiting!!!
07/06/07 12:21 am | #2
Yea, I always release late in the swing, and swing hard...
It seems to go the straightest then. I still would like to be able to put spin on it.
It seems to go the straightest then. I still would like to be able to put spin on it.
Re: Still waiting!!!
07/06/07 12:55 am | #3
Are you guys talking about Wii Bowling? If so, just turn your wrist a bit when you release the ball... Just be sure that you do it in a controlled matter, so the ball doesn't rev up too much and snap into the gutter 
If you're not talking about Bowling, then, uhh, sorry.
But, good luck on getting your xbox back. Looks like Microshaft has amended the 360 warranty AGAIN. Now all 360s (i think) have a THREE YEAR warranty on them, at the expense of one Billion dollars on Microsoft's end. I don't know the details, just saw the headlines on digg.

If you're not talking about Bowling, then, uhh, sorry.

But, good luck on getting your xbox back. Looks like Microshaft has amended the 360 warranty AGAIN. Now all 360s (i think) have a THREE YEAR warranty on them, at the expense of one Billion dollars on Microsoft's end. I don't know the details, just saw the headlines on digg.
Re: Still waiting!!!
07/06/07 11:11 am | #4
Yep, we were talking about Wii bowling. I can just never get it to spin. I should try it again though. I haven't in several weeks.
Re: Still waiting!!!
07/06/07 11:29 am | #5
they uped it on the 3 red lights of death nothing else(i had one red light)=
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