Archived: Spring Dahsboard Udate Rumor List
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Spring Dahsboard Udate Rumor List
05/14/08 4:22 pm | #1
A rumor list of possible things that will be changed during the spring dashboard update has been posted on Evil Avatar courtesy of Joystiq. The list includes long awaited features such as the ability to upgrade a child account and the ability to delete games from your gamer card that have zero gamerscore and zero achievements. The full list of rumored changes can be found at Evil Avatar
Re: Spring Dahsboard Udate Rumor List
05/15/08 8:00 pm | #4
i like the delayed log in so you can switch offline ninja quick
Re: Spring Dahsboard Udate Rumor List
05/16/08 8:18 am | #5
Those are some cool features if they prove true; I've wanted the group chat feature for a long time, and the delayed log in is nice. Currently I have auto-sign in turned off for Live so I can set my status, and then go and log in. That will save me two button presses

Re: Spring Dahsboard Udate Rumor List
05/16/08 8:35 am | #6
I'm just glad you guys will finally be able to donate MS points to me.
Now when I beg PSORaine for points, it won't just be to annoy her. She'll actually be able to shell out points to shut me up!
Also, being able to promote smaller stuff in Active Downloads is nice. It can sort of be annoying having to cancel a 2g demo because you want to grab a new picture or Arcade game real quick.
Now when I beg PSORaine for points, it won't just be to annoy her. She'll actually be able to shell out points to shut me up!
Also, being able to promote smaller stuff in Active Downloads is nice. It can sort of be annoying having to cancel a 2g demo because you want to grab a new picture or Arcade game real quick.
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