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Archived: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
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Re: Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
07/30/09 8:14 pm | #16
Quote by Vanilla Bear 72:
It is getting alot more frustrating
yeah, i was getting glitched on 2-7 (i think) where I hit a green barrel at the end of the conveyor belt ad then I couldn't see my guy any more.
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
08/01/09 1:52 am | #17
As soon as I grab some more MS points I'll pick this game up. I was more anticipating Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 but I played the trial of splosion and it was fun. Can't wait to see more avatar rewards coming.
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
08/01/09 2:28 am | #18
Omg!!!! I love this game!!! Been playing through co-op and its awesome, best arcade game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I need more axe
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
08/03/09 4:44 pm | #19
Just beat the game! The theme is pretty awesome!
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
08/05/09 8:09 pm | #20
I just found this on X360A.org
Unattributed Quote:
You can also earn special Avatar clothes and items just by playing your favourite games, starting with a hot logo t-shirt from "Splosion Man," the hit Xbox LIVE Arcade title that kicked-off off the 2nd annual Summer of Arcade. And to keep your Avatars from getting bored, we’re giving them fun new props to play with; everything from a basketball to pompoms, even a mobile phone... just try to stick with nights and weekends.
Re: Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
08/05/09 9:11 pm | #21
Quote by SeanTM22:
Omg!!!! I love this game!!! Been playing through co-op and its awesome, best arcade game ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now I need more axe
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 2:12 am | #23
i got them! they are pretty cool!
Re: Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 3:07 am | #24
Quote by animefr33k:
Revival mode.
Just so everyone knows there's a new update out for Splosion Man to get the avatar awards, I'm currently wearing mine.
sweet thanks for the info
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 4:11 am | #25
Very nice. Thanks for the update. I'm now wearing my new splosion man shirt. I have yet to touch multiplayer, so I don't have the other shirt unlocked.
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 6:06 am | #26
I'm glad they finally came through!
I hope Avatar Rewards catch on like wildfire and tons of games start having them. I still want to try 'Splosion Man
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 10:37 am | #27
wasnt ODST supposed to have it
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 11:06 am | #28
sweet, right when i loaded it up, i unlocked 2 of the 4 rewards.
and i agree with you meta, that would be sweet
Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 11:07 am | #29
Sweet a FREE shirt! I better get on that.
I guess i was wrong about ODST, i remember hearing that a while ago but its false, maybe id still be playing ODST
Re: Re: 'Splosion Man first title with avatar rewards.
10/27/09 12:49 pm | #30
Quote by Bullets Chase:
wasnt ODST supposed to have it
indeed it was. you were sposed to get ODST armor after achieving the full 1k...a feat i have yet to do
but im close! i have 910/1k, all im missing is endure, a buncha firefight ones, and naughty naughty
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