Archived: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/07/08 5:47 pm | #48
I think I've actually warmed to Silent Hill a bit more. I've gotten more use to the tweaked combat system, and started changing up the weapons I was using, and it's flowing much smoother now. Looking forward to finishing it up actually.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/07/08 6:21 pm | #49
my friend just got it and he loves it. says i definitely need it.
i have a strong feeling it won't be as good as 2, but i'm still looking forward to it.
might pick it up tomorrow, actually.
i have a strong feeling it won't be as good as 2, but i'm still looking forward to it.
might pick it up tomorrow, actually.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/07/08 10:28 pm | #51
Quote by PSORaine:
OK so I have it... and I like it... but the enemies seem to get progressively stronger and there seriously should be a LOT more bullets... I'm playing on NORMAL for the love of god!
Wait until you get the Laser Pistol the second play through if you get the UFO ending. I made a speed run through the game in just over 2 1/2 hours.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/07/08 10:38 pm | #53
Quote by PSORaine:
I just got pissed and quit... I am in the hotel the 1st time, I found the 3 postcards for the old lady, and on my way back to give them to her I keep getting killed by nurses. I just can't use a health bottle fast enough, when I hit lb, it keeps canceling out of the menu... and I have to start ALL OVER. They're fast, and I keep getting stuck in walls... I guess I just suck.
lol that happened to me, what I did was clear the first floor run back to the save point and save, clear the second floor run back to the save point and save, clear the 3rd floor run back to the save point and save and so forth. Took longer but made it a hell of a lot easier if I died.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/08/08 2:44 am | #55
Quote by PSORaine:
I just got pissed and quit... I am in the hotel the 1st time, I found the 3 postcards for the old lady, and on my way back to give them to her I keep getting killed by nurses. I just can't use a health bottle fast enough, when I hit lb, it keeps canceling out of the menu... and I have to start ALL OVER. They're fast, and I keep getting stuck in walls... I guess I just suck.
I had one part later on in the game that probably took me 45 minutes to get past a wave of 2 baddies, followed immediately by 3 more. It sucked balls!

Shortly thereafter was when the game started to turn around for me though, and I've actually been enjoying it since. It's certainly not easy though.

Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/11/08 5:29 pm | #56
i got it, and i like it... but it's nowhere near as creepy as 2.
a little bummed about that, but it's still fun.
a little bummed about that, but it's still fun.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/12/08 11:09 pm | #58
Quote by PSORaine:
lol nothing ANYWHERE is as creepy as 2. I was disappointed in teh pyramid heads in this one... they just don't have the grab-you-by-the-throat factor they had in 2. I used to have nightmares there was one on each corner of my bed when I woke up and they couldn't see me because it was dark, but they weren't moving... I was 21, btw... so it's not like it was RECENT...
2 actually gave my head nightmares.
homecoming is a good game, but it's not really a good silent hill game.
feels more like condemned really.
Re: So who else can't wait for Lego Batman & Silent Hill: Homecoming?
10/13/08 3:26 pm | #59
Enjoyed it guys as I got the Hotel glitch and was really into it, haven't played in a few days because I know I got to restart it from the beginning