Sticky: Signature Size Restrictions
Posted Under: Site News & Updates
Re: Signature Size Restrictions
08/17/09 5:52 am | #16
wow. old thread. you couldve just PM'd this to him, ya know...didnt have to go back and bring up an old thread

Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
08/17/09 6:02 am | #17
Quote by JuniorMT:
You show a restriction up top for 250px height wise and my sig is at EXACTLY 250px in height, but it is still being cut off.
Is there a reason for this Jackson? Something I missed maybe?
Is there a reason for this Jackson? Something I missed maybe?
It looks like the green bar on the bottom of your post where Reply and Quote are located, is in fact included in the total size of your signature as well.
Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
08/17/09 9:43 am | #18
Quote by JuniorMT:
You show a restriction up top for 250px height wise and my sig is at EXACTLY 250px in height, but it is still being cut off.
Is there a reason for this Jackson? Something I missed maybe?
Is there a reason for this Jackson? Something I missed maybe?
Fixed. This was a combination of things.
For one, you had a line break starting your signature which counts towards the height. Second, the bar that separates a post and the signature was actually included within the signature div and so was counting to the total.
Re: Signature Size Restrictions
08/17/09 10:33 am | #19
Re: Signature Size Restrictions
08/17/09 1:23 pm | #20
Thank you Jackson!
@taco - Why start a new thread when there is one already made by the moderator that pertains to the same subject? Obviously, things got fixed
@taco - Why start a new thread when there is one already made by the moderator that pertains to the same subject? Obviously, things got fixed

Re: Signature Size Restrictions
02/16/10 10:16 pm | #21
nice, some forums i jump on to have a lot of junk in their sigs... im happy you guys focus on even these issues... bt im a new user and i <3 the site so far

Re: Signature Size Restrictions
02/16/10 10:22 pm | #22
Speeking of Signatures, I would love it if someone make me one

Re: Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
02/16/10 10:29 pm | #24
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
Quote by Austin:
Speeking of Signatures, I would love it if someone make me one 

I could make you one , im very limited in what i can do though
or you can ask 4chan , he made a thread with his work (i should probably do the same)
Something like your sig would be fine with me, just not so liking this generic one I have.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
02/16/10 10:36 pm | #26
Quote by SetsunaFSeiei:
Quote by Austin:
Something like your sig would be fine with me, just not so liking this generic one I have.
Alright PM me a picture you'd like to be used and ill see what i can do :]
ok, what kind of picture should it be? Can it be something like this?

crop the guy out and make a cool background
Note: Not the picture I want
EDIT: lol used the smallest picture I could on the site, i'll find one
Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
03/28/10 12:35 am | #28
Quote by STD:
Use the search bar Nick! 

i use the searchbar more than anyone else on this site! i use it so much jackson had to put it on the CP just for me. cuz i waz so lazy i didnt wanna click on search.
i already saw this thread. i asked u a completely diff question.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Signature Size Restrictions
03/28/10 12:50 am | #30
Quote by Nick:
i think the max height is 250px. but i'm not sure.
i just need to know ???px X ???px. thanks
i just need to know ???px X ???px. thanks
WTF is this shit?!