Ugh....recovering my GT so I can re-earn the DLC achievements......its been at it 45 minutes now and only about halfway done
Archived: Shoot The Breeze
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Re: Shoot The Breeze
11/07/09 5:25 pm | #421
I should be one of the first to complete DA.....
Ugh....recovering my GT so I can re-earn the DLC achievements......its been at it 45 minutes now and only about halfway done
Ugh....recovering my GT so I can re-earn the DLC achievements......its been at it 45 minutes now and only about halfway done
Re: Shoot The Breeze
11/07/09 5:34 pm | #422
Good luck with all that, I've had friends lose achievements when recovering their profiles.
Re: Shoot The Breeze
11/07/09 6:46 pm | #423
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/07/09 6:22 pm | #424
Just checked my profile page and realized I am finally in the top 200 in Texas! Number 198 yeeeeeeeeee-haw!
Re: Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/07/09 7:10 pm | #425
Quote by Minioger:
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
I remember this, we covered this a bit on our green light gamer site.
If you recover ur profile to try and get the achievements, you just ENSURED you can NOT get the achievements, ever. (or until MS fixes it)
Apparantly, when you recover ur tag, it wont show the achievements, so you think all is well. However, in the system it is locked as the criteria was registered as having been met, thus, it can not be re-earned. No word on a potential fix, but i hope they do one for u guys.
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/07/09 7:31 pm | #426
that sucks
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/07/09 7:58 pm | #427
ah what a bump
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/09/09 12:31 pm | #428
Lol just realized somewhere along the line I got DC'd from live. Wire got unplugged (either when i removed ipod cable or maybe got shock loose from blasting music. 2 achievements on forza now w.o. time stamps QQ
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/09/09 6:31 pm | #429
Re: Re: Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/09/09 6:44 pm | #430
Quote by ImpureKing44:
Quote by Minioger:
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
Well I didn't lose any achievements other than the DLC achievements (which was the point of doing the recovery)
But now it won't unlock the achievements in game! I don't know why, I re-completed the quests again and no achievements.....grr
Really really frustrated right now
<end rant>
I remember this, we covered this a bit on our green light gamer site.
If you recover ur profile to try and get the achievements, you just ENSURED you can NOT get the achievements, ever. (or until MS fixes it)
Apparantly, when you recover ur tag, it wont show the achievements, so you think all is well. However, in the system it is locked as the criteria was registered as having been met, thus, it can not be re-earned. No word on a potential fix, but i hope they do one for u guys.
when broken steel for fallout 3 came out the achievements were glitched.
you could unlock them, but it wouldn't show up on or something. happened to me. most people, including myself, had to recover our tags and redo the missions. the achievements unlocked again.
considering it's my favorite game, can you imagine how pissed i would be if i couldn't complete it? i was a nervous wreck! lol
sorry about the news mini. i hope they fix that.
congrats bovice!
my last day of work this year is the 17th, and i don't go back until the 3rd!!
or was it the 4th? whichever is a monday. either way i'm stoked.
i need a couple weeks off.
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/09/09 7:53 pm | #431
So I rented the new James Cameron's Avatar Game, and it's actually not that bad. I'm not terribly far into the game but I was forced to make a game altering choice already - though it's probably not for completionists as it does require two playthroughs and online achieves.
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/11/09 1:01 am | #432
i got a feelin' that tonights gunna be a good night
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/11/09 1:53 am | #433
I'm really stuck on tryin to figure out this song I think its by will i am and some chick(not fergie) it plays on the radio a lot I'm super stumped
Re: Shoot The Breeze
12/28/09 1:42 pm | #434
Why do people drive on a parkway and park in a driveway?
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