Archived: Sad day indeed...
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Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 6:35 pm | #1
Today is a sad day.... About a month ago i started to have some problems with my 360. It kept doing this thing where no matter what game i put it, it would act like it would start up then it would go to "Open Tray" and not play the game. This would on for about 3 attempts of opening and closing the tray. Yet about a week ago, i was finally fed up with having to open and close the tray a good 15-20 times before it would actually kick over. So i decided to call Microsoft, got a very nice Indian lady who told me they'd send a box in about 2-5 days. Well, here it is, a good 7 days later (business days) and i got my box. I did everything the instructions told me, packed it all up and called UPS to get them to pick it up. When i talked to a rep, he asked me how it would be paid for. I read to him what the sheet of paper said, that any fees would be picked up by the shipper, and he asked me for a account number. I told him that i didnt have any, and he said that that the only way that they would pick it up would be to have me pay for it. So i decided to drop it off at the UPS store, free of charge. But the moral of my tale is.....dont let your 360 go down because it would suck to be without it for X amount of weeks. This is going to suck...i might have to buy a Wii to pass the time...

Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 6:40 pm | #2
That sucks.
I'm afraid about mine. Sometimes when I play COD3, it brings up the guide thing on the right side for a split second, not enough time to read it, then the screen goes black, and starts at the dashboard. Happens once every three hours of play or so.
I'm afraid about mine. Sometimes when I play COD3, it brings up the guide thing on the right side for a split second, not enough time to read it, then the screen goes black, and starts at the dashboard. Happens once every three hours of play or so.
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 6:49 pm | #3
how long have you had yours? yea i always got paranoid when i heard other peoples stories. Hopefully they fix it and thats all there is to it. When i was playing NFS:C i noticed some freezing and th edashboard flashing but it never interrupted the gameplay too badly.
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 6:59 pm | #4
i freeze a lot lately.. good luck to you dan
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 7:00 pm | #5
Ouch. I'm on console #2 and bought the 2-year which started in November. So I'm covered for 48 months at least.
Dont be surprised to get a refurb back in as little as a week and a half. The delay in getting the box was probably due to Thanksgiving.
Dont be surprised to get a refurb back in as little as a week and a half. The delay in getting the box was probably due to Thanksgiving.
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 7:07 pm | #6
Quote by zoboa:
Ouch. I'm on console #2 and bought the 2-year which started in November. So I'm covered for 48 months at least.
Dont be surprised to get a refurb back in as little as a week and a half. The delay in getting the box was probably due to Thanksgiving.
Dont be surprised to get a refurb back in as little as a week and a half. The delay in getting the box was probably due to Thanksgiving.
i hope so Z, but that makes me happy is they get me a console back before the tourny cause i want to be in it. The Wii is a very big possibility for me, just for Zelda!
and thanks Antonio, i say you call and send it soon so you dont have to worry about not getting Forza 2
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 7:18 pm | #7
Oh man that really sucks. My 360 has always frozen but I've never had any problems beyond that. I'm hoping I will never have anymore.
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 9:02 pm | #8
I know how you feel, I have lost one before to
hope you get it back soon.

hope you get it back soon.
Re: Sad day indeed...
11/30/06 11:25 pm | #9
thanks man. I have to say that my ps2's never been more boring.
Re: Sad day indeed...
12/01/06 7:21 am | #10
I really havn't experienced any problems with my 360 from December lately. Good luck in this long process though.
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