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Archived: Rate the last movie you saw.
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Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 9:39 am | #976
Burn After Reading 1/5
I LOVE Cohen bros. films (O, Brother Where art thou being my FAV.)
but when i put this in, the entire time i was waiting for Spoiler: Click here to toggle spoiler .
and so the ENTIRE time I'm waiting for that to happen, and after it finally does, i feel that by this time I'm disconnected with the characters and the story, and so the humor goes right over my head, and the scenes do not carry any weight. It's a shame I think i really would have like this movie had I not been anticipating a certain scene the entire time....
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 3:35 pm | #977
Dogma on dvd. i give it a 10/10 cause it was so damn funny!!!!
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 3:55 pm | #978
Edge of Darkness
9/10 Mel Gibson's comeback movie and it is amazing. I recommend it to everyone.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 4:07 pm | #979
Just watched Surrogates with Bruce Willis, 9/10 crazy twists and overall very good.
Saw XI is up next
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 4:51 pm | #980
The Great Dictator 10/10
Charlie Chaplin film from 1940 in which Chaplin plays two roles. One as a Jewish man in the ghetto and the other as the Hitler-esque dictator. The whole film is a giant dig at Hitler and was very controversial at the time because the US was not involved in the war yet. It was nominated for and received numerous awards. The dvd is no longer is production but it is available via netflix.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
01/31/10 6:15 pm | #981
The Tooth Fairy
Better than I thought but Its a movie to wait for on TV
Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/01/10 8:07 am | #983
Quote by KNTLxXxJ0K3R:
Edge of Darkness
9/10 Mel Gibson's comeback movie and it is amazing. I recommend it to everyone.
Agreed! 9/10
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/01/10 4:07 pm | #985
@Nick burn after reading was good I knew about that spoiler sorta but when I was watching it I forgot all about it and was caught up in the story that scene got me for surprise it came outta nowhere
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/01/10 4:11 pm | #986
Yup, Edge of Darkness has to be one of the best films i have ever seen. It is a great thriller, great story line, and even better. Mel Gibson's Acting is amazing. You will like it alot if your a fan of Mel.
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/01/10 6:31 pm | #987
Got a Chevy Chase 3-pack at wal-mart for $5
Fletch- 3/5
Classic Chevy Chase, funny as hell.
Fletch Lives!- 2/5
Horrible sequel. Not as funny or as original as the first. Crappy story. a few Good parts though.
Caddyshack- 3/5
Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield & Bill Murray make this over-the-top golf movie a decent watch. pretty funny scenes, some get a little cheesy, but the topless scenes more than make up for the 80's dialogue
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/02/10 12:57 am | #988
didnt come out yet, but i guess this is a good thread to post this in. from what i see this is going to be a 10/10 for me.
Re: Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/02/10 1:17 am | #989
Quote by Nick:
Got a Chevy Chase 3-pack at wal-mart for $5
Caddyshack- 3/5
Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield & Bill Murray make this over-the-top golf movie a decent watch. pretty funny scenes, some get a little cheesy, but the topless scenes more than make up for the 80's dialogue
Please tell me this isn't the first time you've seen Caddyshack? It's in my top five all-time favorite comedies. "Look at this hat. I bet if you buy this hat you get a free bowl of soup. Oh, it looks good on you though."
Re: Rate the last movie you saw.
02/02/10 3:26 am | #990
Orphan 8/10 a very effed up movie.
GI Joe: Rise of Cobra 5/10 could have been way better.
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