This is a very underrated game in my opinion. Sure the graphics are terrible, but it's nearly 4 years old! I like this game, but the collectables are no fun whatsoever!
Sticky: Rate the last game you played
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Re: Rate the last game you played
01/13/11 11:27 pm | #526
The Darkness 7/10
This is a very underrated game in my opinion. Sure the graphics are terrible, but it's nearly 4 years old! I like this game, but the collectables are no fun whatsoever!
This is a very underrated game in my opinion. Sure the graphics are terrible, but it's nearly 4 years old! I like this game, but the collectables are no fun whatsoever!
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/14/11 12:08 am | #528
Yea you move hella slow in the game, but it was really fun when it released. The multiplayer on the other hand is atrocious though

Re: Rate the last game you played
01/14/11 1:06 am | #529
blops 8/10 it was fun playing with irish patriot and pwning noobs
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/14/11 1:06 am | #530
Enchanted Arms - 7.5/10
I'm 4 hours into it, I think, maybe 5 hours, and I'm enjoying it so far. I couldn't take their voices, so I changed it to the original Japanese w/sub titles. The visuals, back in the day were good, but now not so much. Visuals don't really matter to me, I'm all about the game-play.
I'm 4 hours into it, I think, maybe 5 hours, and I'm enjoying it so far. I couldn't take their voices, so I changed it to the original Japanese w/sub titles. The visuals, back in the day were good, but now not so much. Visuals don't really matter to me, I'm all about the game-play.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/14/11 2:07 am | #531
Vanquish - Put about an hour and a half in this I like it im not bored of it probably gonna play it alot tonight feels like timesplitters mixed with some section 8 which I liked both of those so I like this to me it doesn't really have a story to it just like Lost Planet 2 but I enjoy it worth a rental or good for about $20 bucks 7/10.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/14/11 4:10 pm | #532
AC:Brotherhood. I give it a 9.5 out of 10. The ending was rather anticlimactic. That's why it isn't a 10
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/25/11 10:42 pm | #533
Dead Space 2, 9.5 out of 10, only had like one minor complaint with it and it had to do with a terrible checkpoint I got stuck in towards the end of the game, died about 10+ times before I could get past it.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/25/11 10:46 pm | #534
Trials HD

Re: Rate the last game you played
01/26/11 12:23 am | #535
MH & Me 2
You cant get any more intense then this thriller.
You cant get any more intense then this thriller.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/26/11 1:09 am | #536
crysis 2 multiplayer demo - 7.25/10
great game, op melee, terrible connection
great game, op melee, terrible connection
Re: Re: Rate the last game you played
01/26/11 1:10 am | #537
Quote by xMike:
Trials HD

I hope you get aids, almost die from it, THEN your house catches fire and you die in that fire. Prick.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/26/11 1:11 am | #538
Dead Space 2 10/10
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/27/11 7:36 pm | #539
Super Street Fighter 4 - 2/10
Same damn game as the regular Street Fighter 4, but with extra characters and a few modes. Glad I didn't buy this and got it through Gamefly. I only have 70 achievements on it and I'm about ready to send it back.
65% of the achievements are online only and I'm not even trying to play this online considering how horrible I am at fighting games. I maybe won 10 games out of 50 playing Street Fighter 4, so I know I'll get my ass handed to me on this one.
*EDIT* After trying for 3 hours to beat the last boss on MEDIUM I've dropped my rating from a 4 to a 2. No matter what the hell I did, the son of a bitch countered EVERYTHING that I did. I tried every single character on the damn game and still couldn't beat him. I don't care if I only have 70 points, I'm sending it back tomorrow.
Same damn game as the regular Street Fighter 4, but with extra characters and a few modes. Glad I didn't buy this and got it through Gamefly. I only have 70 achievements on it and I'm about ready to send it back.
65% of the achievements are online only and I'm not even trying to play this online considering how horrible I am at fighting games. I maybe won 10 games out of 50 playing Street Fighter 4, so I know I'll get my ass handed to me on this one.
*EDIT* After trying for 3 hours to beat the last boss on MEDIUM I've dropped my rating from a 4 to a 2. No matter what the hell I did, the son of a bitch countered EVERYTHING that I did. I tried every single character on the damn game and still couldn't beat him. I don't care if I only have 70 points, I'm sending it back tomorrow.
Re: Rate the last game you played
01/30/11 11:02 pm | #540
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - 9.5/10
I've written so much about this game already, so I'll keep this short.
It's brilliant and masterful.
I've written so much about this game already, so I'll keep this short.
It's brilliant and masterful.
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