Sooooo much better than CoD.
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Sooooo much better than CoD.
But, then again, I don't like sports games.

I'm not finished with it yet but I'm having a blast and I've never been that big a fan of zombie-anything. The only thing that got on my nerves was starting out with so little ammo. You really have to conserve it until you find the first treasure map. Then find the other treasures that aren't in Mexico as you can't cross the border until you progress through the story. Finding the treasures, finishing missions, clearing towns and cleansing graveyards gives you more ammo as you go so it becomes less of a problem. I just try to get as many of the up-close execution kills as possible. The story is kinda comical as...
most of the missions consist of you catching up with the people you met in the main story only to find out some of them have turned undead and you're forced to put them down. The first horse of the apocalypse I found was War. I love torching the undead by running them over with him.
Crackdown 2- 7/10 Way more fun in coop, game would get a lower rating if I played it by myself.
Dead Rising 2- 8/10 I hate the time feature, way too much to do and not enough in game time.
I don't care for the game itself, but I like the dance pad. Got it for $10 new, just muted the TV while I played it. First time I've ever played a dance game before, so it's kind of interesting to me.
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