Archived: Rate the Sig Above You.
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Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 1:03 am | #1
On a scale from One to Ten, rate the poster's signature above you.
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 5:35 am | #4
So true, so true...
So true, so true...
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 6:10 am | #5
9 for ball stomping goodness 10 for 30 retail completions lol
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 6:35 am | #6
8/10. I'd hit it.
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 9:30 am | #7
i'll give ya a 4 nemesis but only cause you have "some waffle games" on your list.
are you trying to conserve valuable boobie sig space?

Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 12:02 pm | #8
i'll give you an 8 live.
being 3rd in your state is impressive.
being 3rd in your state is impressive.
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 12:05 pm | #9
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 12:36 pm | #10
6/10 because only faggots post rolling rick rolls J/K
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 1:11 pm | #12
7/10 because you have more games completed than me xD
Re: Rate the Sig Above You.
12/28/08 3:16 pm | #14
8/10 cause everytime I see MR Chat it cracks me up lol