Archived: Random Pictures
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Quote by Rums 03:
too much?:


This is random pictures. Not obscene, disgusting, offensive, invasive or nauseating pictures. Seriously. You all know how to behave on a forum for ages 13 and up.
Quote by theEVOL1:
Quote by IRiSH:
Was that mine?

Haha! No, yours wasn't bad at all.
@Shadow- I actually got this one working. Unfortunately I don't have a disc drive that matches it at the moment.
Someone went crazy with thermal paste...
I'm impressed you could get it working.
Quote by Rums 03:
Unattributed Quote:
You let 4 letter words run rampant, yet god forbid a couple of distasteful photos go unchallenged. Do you know how ass backwards that train of thought is?
There is big difference between me calling you a stupid fuck and posting pictures of mutilated bodies.
Quote by Rums 03:
Unattributed Quote:
You let 4 letter words run rampant, yet god forbid a couple of distasteful photos go unchallenged. Do you know how ass backwards that train of thought is?
I don't think they went unchallenged. In fact, it looks as though they were defeated!
I agree with Detroit. Swear words just don't hold a candle to graphic depictions of an "unsavory" nature.
Quote by Detroit:
Quote by Rums 03:
Unattributed Quote:
You let 4 letter words run rampant, yet god forbid a couple of distasteful photos go unchallenged. Do you know how ass backwards that train of thought is?
There is big difference between me calling you a stupid fuck and posting pictures of mutilated bodies.
This is correct. Calling someone a pig fucker and posting bestiality porn are 2 very different things. Plus, Many photos that I find distasteful do go unchallenged. But this is not some kind of "gross out" thread. If you want to post distasteful pictures, feel free to post a link and put a warning for people who don't want to see it. This site has a language filter for those people who don't want to see obscenities, and spoiler tags for people who don't want movies and games ruined. People who don't want images burned into their retinas shouldn't have to.
Freedom is not a pass to offend whoever you want.
Quote by slicknick3822:
I'm willing to bet that my childhood is farther in the past than your birth, so that's neither here nor there.
Moderation is not for public debate, but I promise you that insulting a staff member after getting a warning isn't the way to get what you want.
Quote by Kat:
Quote by slicknick3822:
I'm willing to bet that my childhood is farther in the past than your birth, so that's neither here nor there.
Moderation is not for public debate, but I promise you that insulting a staff member after getting a warning isn't the way to get what you want.
Especially if what you want is a boot in the ass and a one way ticket to Ban City Central Station.
Unattributed Quote:
Freedom is not a pass to offend whoever you want.
What? Since when? Then let there be a big warning for any of you who are brave enough to play Halo Reach with me. I have a tendancy to offend a lot of people on there. Chaind can vouch for that.
But with all joking aside, the Rums vs. XBA case gave us a good reminder on why it is important to use some type of proper ettiquette and control when posting images and other misc. things.
If you feel that an image might be distasteful, then go with your gut feeling and not post that image.
And another reminder, being a moderator is a thankless job. They are not getting paid to moderate this site. They are volunteers. Insulting a Staff Member is never a good thing. If you have an issue with the way a moderator handled a particular situation, PM them and voice your concerns that way. If you still feel that you were done wrong by a moderator, use the chain of command. Hektic is on here quite regularly and Jackson pops in every now and then. If all of that fails and you are still not happy, then by all means GTFO.
Quote by ShadowMachine X:
This. It has nothing to do with what may offend you or me or anyone else, it's the fact that this forum is on the internet, and you have to think about more than just yourself. Whether I'm some sheltered 9 year old girl or a grizzled 50 year old biker with a tattoo that says "Go fuck yourself" on my forehead has nothing to do with it. The staff here have a responsibility to make sure that every one of the 25,000 members of the site can enjoy it, and we all take that seriously.
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