If interested, please reply to this post, or email me: availin@gmail.com
I will track our results.
1. NO APPLICANTS WITH A GAMERSCORE HIGHER THAN 22,000 WILL BE PERMITTED TO ENTER! This is meant to be a long contest, so i would like participants who need at least 8k to hit 30k.
2. NO GAME SAVING! If I notice that all of a sudden you have 1000/1000 on a game-saveable game without having played it before, you will be disqualified. (However, cheap games like Avatar are welcome...dangit, I already did that one!)
3. Boosting is allowed, and even encouraged. Some of those Online achievements are a pain in the arse!
4. Be competitive, but polite to your fellow competitors. If you are found to be excessively obscene or offensive, you may be disqualified.
5. There are no prizes involved, except bragging rights and motivation to make your GS go even higher!
6. Get out there and get your GamerScore Whore on!