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Archived: R.I.P. #3

Posted Under: 360 Talk
Re: R.I.P. #3
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Quote by PSORaine:

Ha ha ha that's really funny! Wonder why heating it up would fix it??? When mine was gone, it was just E74- never worked again. Maybe something is just loose?

You'd probably get more if you sold in on ebay saying what happened and selling it as is- stating it's currently working than what you would get trading it in...

****Edit**** also something to think about- when I traded in my first 360 gamestop gave me $80. If you can't afford $100 to fix it, you wouldn't be able to afford the money to make up the difference between the new one and what you got trading in the old...

I could afford to fix it, but it seems that after they do fix it, it breaks within a year. I still have the same xbox that I got at launch date, and it has broke 3 times now. They simply fix it so that it works, and a year later it breaks. Everytime they sent it back after repairs it was louder and louder, the disc drive would get stuck, or it would freeze a bunch during game play. Instead of giving them $100 bucks to fix it for a year I went out and bought an Elite, hoping that she will last a bit longer. Plus I was almost maxed out on GB so the 120GB hard drive was an extra incentive.

I called Gamestop and they said they would give me $120 for the system and 20gb hard drive. I would sell it on ebay but I would feel bad if it broke within a week of them receiving it. If I trade it to Gamestop they can deal with the angry customer whose used xbox broke within a week.

I'm going to keep her for another week or so and see if she has any problems. If she is working after a week i may decide to sell her on ebay or trade it in.
Re: R.I.P. #3
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Gamercard Lover
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That bites especially after you got GTAIV.
Re: R.I.P. #3
Burnt Waffle
Burnt Waffle

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Bronze Waffle
Bronze Waffle

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Well I had the same thing happen. i wasn't about to shell out more $$$$ to M$ for fixing it, and I did that same thing. I wrapped it up all warm and fuzzy until it was shinning nice and RROD. :D
Mine also started working again after that for whatever reason. So i ended up running for a couple more weeks, and also had to "cook" it a couple more times to keep it going while I pulled the money together to buy a Arcade unit. I then called them, got the coffin etc... etc..
I will not be without a backup from now on. i put the 3 yr warranty from the store onto the new one I bought, and once I got hte old one back I put the new one back in the box until I need it again.
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