Archived: Preview: New Bully Scholarship Edition Trailer
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Preview: New Bully Scholarship Edition Trailer
01/31/08 8:35 am | #1
Rockstar Games released a new trailer yesterday for Bully: Scholarship Edition. The trailer footage is created entirely with the Xbox 360 version. The Xbox 360 version will include eight new missions, four new classes, awards and achivements, new unlockable clothing and two-player minigames. Bully: Scholarship Edition is scheduled to hit retailers on March 4th and will retail for $49.99.
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Re: Preview: New Bully Scholarship Edition Trailer
01/31/08 12:59 pm | #2
I remember playing this game when it was on the Playstation 2. Hopefully they clean everything up because I stopped playing this after the first level. I'd like to go back to it, especially if it's on the 360.
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