Archived: Poor PS3...
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Poor PS3...
11/09/07 12:49 am | #1

Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 1:51 am | #2
Lol poor sad old fart, hate playstation.
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 9:39 am | #4
When the first playstation came out it was really cool. It really was the start of a "new age", for vidio games.I remember those days well. Every thing fresh with cool new games and new ways to play them. When playstation 2 launched sony was riding a huge wave. The new generation of gamers were older and had money to burn. At sum point things stated to change. Sony got all Holier than thou all of a sudden and it was like,( F-you )we'll make what we want and you WILL buy it. IT was at that time a new box.. an xbox...hit the store shelves. All the sony Big Wigs sat around there board room tabe and had a good chuckle. HAHAHA But then somthing stange happened. 3rd party game companys embraced this new box... this xbox... as it was called and sony started to lose market share. How can this be cried sony. But the people didn't care, they had found a new path. The new box felt its growing strenth an said (Yes) lets give gamers what they want. And as such, XBOX LIVE was born. And all the gamers cried with joy!!! And they all lived happily ever after playing together Xbox live.
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 3:08 pm | #5
woo xbox forever!!!
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 3:39 pm | #6
hahahaha thats so funny
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 3:52 pm | #7
LOL that was great i dont hate the playstation but xbox is bettter
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 6:57 pm | #8
I started rolling on the floor when I read it.
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 8:32 pm | #9
DAMN that is just just....................wrong lol
Re: Poor PS3...
11/09/07 11:11 pm | #10
Sorry about no prof read. My boss walked up just as I was typing the last words. Whooo... Close Call !!!
Re: Poor PS3...
11/10/07 3:16 am | #11
lol very nice
Re: Poor PS3...
11/10/07 2:05 pm | #12
Well we all know CAD likes to poke fun at PS3. XD
Re: Poor PS3...
11/11/07 11:50 am | #13
Mabey it should upgrade its online features!!! hahaha like that would ever happen!
Re: Poor PS3...
11/20/07 5:17 pm | #14
The 360 is much better than the PS3 But yet it has so many games i envy to play *cough* Rachet And Clank Future *cough*
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