Archived: Poll: Do you smoke?
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Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 5:23 am | #61
I hate to smoke, or Second-hand even I'm allergic to them.. My grandparents is chain smoker and they died at age of 60. Scary but I think cigarette need to shut down businesses. xD
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 12:43 pm | #64
i dnt and never will. but my friend aaron started smoking and doing drugs in third grade. so i'm pretty sure hes gunna get cancer.
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 12:55 pm | #65
lol 3rd grade? my ass
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 2:11 pm | #66
I smoked for 15 years and now I have been clean for about 7 years and enjoy it better
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 4:44 pm | #68
Re: Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 6:08 pm | #70
Quote by Detroit SniperX:
ill pass on lame ass pot too
i take this back. I got ^^^^ last night
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/07/09 6:54 pm | #71
Damn... Third grade... I used to a lot from 12-14, but stopped. I thought I was into shit young, but damn, third grade. Dude was like 8...
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/08/09 7:59 am | #74
I smoke both, I'm not going to advise anyone of how "awesome" it is but it's my personal choice. Just don't smoke those clove cigerettes around me please, the smoke smells like incense sticks dipped in womens perfume!!
Re: Poll: Do you smoke?
08/08/09 8:55 am | #75
Sadly, I smoke and chew....