Archived: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
Posted Under: Gaming
Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 11:41 am | #1
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 12:12 pm | #4
been knew this
Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 12:18 pm | #5
Quote by System:
Doesn't surprise me at all. The PS2 is still coming out with some good games, and I miss some of the old PS2 games that aren't available on next gen consoles. I might pick up one again (since selling my old one in 05) in the near future just because

the great thing is, you can still get a new one at gamestop for 60 bucks!
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 12:23 pm | #7
I'd still be using my PS2 as my primary console if it wasn't for GTA4... I may as well have stuck with it, but I would miss out on Saint's Row and Gears and Call of Duty 4
Re: Re: Re: Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 12:23 pm | #8
Quote by System:
Quote by XxTime:
the great thing is, you can still get a new one at gamestop for 60 bucks!
Well, not exactly brand new but still very usable. They're refurbished.
$60 for the thick version -
and $70 for the slim version -
Still not a bad deal though.
the g-stop by my house has new ones!
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 1:50 pm | #10
The PS2 was great, I had it for abour 5 years, then I bought my Xbox
I don't like the PS3, it doesnt have much to offer.

Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/04/09 4:50 pm | #12
PS2 was a great system. Many amazing games came out for PS2. i just wish i never sold mine

Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 4:27 am | #14
the ps2 was an amazing system with so many amazing games. no wonder its outselling the ps3 considering the $300 price difference.
Re: Playstation 2 outselling Playstation 3
08/13/09 6:44 am | #15
PS2 is a great system and it doesent surprize me at all that it outsells the PS3 cause guess what I bet you its outselling the 360 also but you left out that little doozy.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.
PS3 is a great system and has ALOT of great things going for it no one can honestly deny that...YES its expensive...YES more people play xbox online...Does that make it a bad console? NOPE
Theres games on the ps3 that xbox just flat out cant handle and the PS3 out of the box comes with things Xbox makes you pay 100 dollars for....ehem wireless....
so ok I got myself a 160 gig ps3 with uncharted
Lets look at its closest competition the Elite 120gig with halo and fable
add a wireless adaptor
about the same price right?
now lets add on a year of PSN service
0.00 forever
Xbox Live?
49.99 for 1 year
I like xbox and both systems offer different things but if I want the best expearience I will side with a PS3.