Archived: Pepsi free ride.
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Pepsi free ride.
03/03/06 10:12 pm | #1
well I always enter those contest that come on coke caps, and I just won $20 gas money:D:D people should enter there caps there is a good chance of wining.
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/03/06 10:44 pm | #2
Quote by alzapa:
well I always enter those contest that come on coke caps, and I just won $20 gas money:D:D people should enter there caps there is a good chance of wining.
How do you think I got my 360.. :D from Mountain Dew.
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/04/06 12:12 am | #3
Quote by zoboa:
How do you think I got my 360.. :D from Mountain Dew.
Z from Mountain Dew.
You lucky duck you
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/04/06 9:24 am | #4
why didnt you tell us that z? i entered like 30 caps into that crap
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/04/06 9:44 am | #5
Quote by hockeypuck55:
why didnt you tell us that z? i entered like 30 caps into that crap
I put in approximately 50, but saved up around 20 and put them all in a single 10 minute period.
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/06/06 5:35 pm | #6
Quote by zoboa:
I put in approximately 50, but saved up around 20 and put them all in a single 10 minute period.
have you read the rules on the back. it says in there that the caps you enter are onlygood for that 24 hour period that you put them in. makes me wander if i should be putting them in a few every day.
Re: Pepsi free ride.
03/06/06 6:02 pm | #7
Quote by kaoticvirus:
have you read the rules on the back. it says in there that the caps you enter are onlygood for that 24 hour period that you put them in. makes me wander if i should be putting them in a few every day.
You can, but the more chances in a single day, the better your odds. Also, with the every10minutes promo, the deeper into the rpomo we went, the more caps that showed up in the sweepstakes.
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