Anyway, it can be rough on you and those around you, dealing with a Peggle addiction, but I think by sharing our experiences and forming a support network we can work through this, one day at a time.
All you have to do is stand up, tell us your name, admit your problem (it's the first step!) and then tell us about your relationship with Peggle.
To get things moving, I'll start:
Hi. My name is Meta... and I'm a Peggle-holic.
I didn't start playing Peggle until a few days ago, but long before that I had already been experimenting with other Pop Cap titles like Feeding Frenzy and Zuma. They were great but after awhile, the thrill just kind of went away.
That's when I decided I wanted more. That's when I played my first game of Peggle.
At first I'd only play a single round, or maybe 2 if I was really in the mood. It was fine, I would have a good time, and once the Extreme Fever broke, I'd stop playing Peggle and get back to other, more "h4rdc0r3" games.
Or so I thought.
Next thing I knew, I was avoiding my regular Geometry Wars appointments to get in just one more round of Peggle, and even avoiding The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai just to launch that stupid ball into the pegs and rack up points!
It's all the damned pegs' fault!!
No, no, that isn't right. We... w-we can't blame anything but ourselves. I am a Peggle-holic, and I am taking this one step at a time. I have been clean for 2 hours now.
If anyone else would like to share, please do.
This is a time & place for healing.
Also, if you're mistakenly here for the Hexic HD Abuse Group Support, or H.A.G.S. seminar (Evol!), they're down the hall to your right.