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Archived: Offspring, Avenge Sevenfold and Crooked X Rocking the Band next week
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Re: Offspring, Avenge Sevenfold and Crooked X Rocking the Band next we
06/16/08 3:44 am | #46
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Still waiting for real metal..
Word. Slayer is the only hit so far as Guitar Hero is concerned.
The Earache pack is pretty neat in Rock Band but they could do bigger & better.
Re: Offspring, Avenge Sevenfold and Crooked X Rocking the Band next week
06/16/08 7:02 am | #48
Quote by XxJesusNinjaxX:
i can post where i want to bitch
they suck and its my opinion and if you dont like it
you can post something up your ass
Re: Offspring, Avenge Sevenfold and Crooked X Rocking the Band next week
06/16/08 9:17 am | #49
Quote by PSORaine:
LOL I read this and I was like WHAAAA?
So I had to go back to the front page.
The ironic part is that you're saying this to Evol. The king of threadjackers told you to post somewhere else.
Wait, am I the only one who finds that funny????
Ninja, chill out ^_^
I did the exact same thing, I thought I missed a whole lot while I was sleeping
I think if we could personally ban people from a thread, I would ban him.....but than again, I think the three of us would be banned from a lot of threads, LOL!
Probably should go post somewhere...the only good thing I have seen him post is in the uno thread...whoopty freakin doo
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