Archived: Oblivion Help
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 8:25 pm | #16
Alright I've already been visited at night to enter the DB so I can just kill that one dude and then I'll be in and open up that quest for some work. I guess I just mainly feel like there is so much going on its hard to focus and know what I need to do and what to ignore for later.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 8:34 pm | #17
it's not so overwhelming once you get into the swing of things.
you can click on whatever quest you want and bingo. it's on your map. i think lol.
but i'm sure you know that.
i can't make the game more fun for you of course, but the DB was my favorite part.
well... aside from the shivering isles. that expansion just plain rocked.
you can click on whatever quest you want and bingo. it's on your map. i think lol.
but i'm sure you know that.
i can't make the game more fun for you of course, but the DB was my favorite part.

well... aside from the shivering isles. that expansion just plain rocked.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/20/09 5:15 pm | #18
put the difficulty up, you get more exp for killing, and since your enemy is stronger, you increase your skill in things like blade, blunt, armor and destruction much faster, which in turn increases your level faster. Also, try to just explore the world around you, you'll find a lot of cool things in the wilderness.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 10:46 pm | #19
Alright I will try that! I don't really plan on trading it in anytime soon so I think i will take a break for a little and come back to it when I feel like it but I will definitely take in to account all these tips and anymore out there.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 10:51 pm | #20
I don't remember the exact number, but the last time I loaded Oblivion I was over 140 hours of play time. In my opinion it's either your type of game or it isn't. Games like Oblivion are my favorite and I would play them all the time if there were more games of Oblivion quality. 1250 of 1250 and still would have played more if there was another expansion pack.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 10:55 pm | #21
Yeah that's kind of what I was wondering. As of right now I just don't really enjoy the quests all that much ( I still have a lot to do) but yeah I'm aware that many people love the game so I just don't want to give it up if I'm simply missing out on something

Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 11:00 pm | #22
oblivion doesnt go by killing things and you get xp (like fallout 3), you have to level up your individual skills... there are many ways to boost all of them to 100 very quickly, for example, if you sneak somewhere, where there are a lot of people, but you're not seen, you can just walk there into a wall for a couple hours and you're at 100... the only thing you'll get for killing is your armor skills up, or whatever type of weapon your using... goodluck
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 11:03 pm | #23
oh and also, to level up, you only need to increase your major skills, not your minor ones, they have nothing to do with leveling...
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 11:06 pm | #25
Alright thanks again for all the tips. I'm not sure if leveling up will really make the game easier though? I mean is it crucial to level up or is it just something that happens naturally throughout the game?
Re: Oblivion Help
07/21/09 11:14 pm | #27
Alright that what I was curious about with the leveling. I don't know I think mainly I need to explore a little because right now I just feel like the main quest is just dragging me back and forth to places I don't know and then I haven't really got into any of the good guild quests either so I'm kind of stuck