Archived: Oblivion Help
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Oblivion Help
07/19/09 4:04 pm | #1
So I picked up a copy of the game of the year edition of Oblivion and I've played through some of the main quest line and beat the arena quest line already but after joining the thieves guild I just found myself dreading anymore of this game. the achievements are straight forward and many people love this game so I was just interested if anyone had any tips to help me enjoy this game a little more? I'm a low level and leveling up seems to take an eternity but I really would like to earn the achievements for this game so any tips would be greatly appreciated.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 4:06 pm | #3
This game has A LOT of stuff to do, the best advice I have is to just take everything one quest at a time, try not to let yourself get over whelmed by all there is to do.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 4:08 pm | #4
Go to it will help.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 5:18 pm | #5
Thanks for all the tips. I will definitely take them all into account and I'm definitely going to complete this game it's just weird when I found myself hating the arduous tasks and overwhelming amount of things to do in a game everyone else seems to love.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 6:17 pm | #6
It took me several times of buying the game and taking it back to Gamestop before I got into it.
I have only closed one Oblivion Gate I think, I been doing the Dark Brotherhood quests lately. I enjoy it, but it is one of those things where I pick up and play from time to time.
My bit of advice for you, is to find out the cure for being a vampire first, because eventually you'll become one (bitten in your sleep) and it makes the game a complete bitch to play after that.
Anyone got any help of how to cure the vampire disease? PLEASE!
I have only closed one Oblivion Gate I think, I been doing the Dark Brotherhood quests lately. I enjoy it, but it is one of those things where I pick up and play from time to time.
My bit of advice for you, is to find out the cure for being a vampire first, because eventually you'll become one (bitten in your sleep) and it makes the game a complete bitch to play after that.
Anyone got any help of how to cure the vampire disease? PLEASE!
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 6:48 pm | #7
Sweet thanks yeah I just find a lot of the game to be ridiculously boring. I mean all I find myself doing is traveling back and forth stealing the occasional items to progress in the thieves guild but I'm so low of a level that everything seems to be worthless so even simple tasks seem to take forever.

Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 7:04 pm | #9
Quote by PineAppleKing:
So I picked up a copy of the game of the year edition of Oblivion and I've played through some of the main quest line and beat the arena quest line already but after joining the thieves guild I just found myself dreading anymore of this game. the achievements are straight forward and many people love this game so I was just interested if anyone had any tips to help me enjoy this game a little more? I'm a low level and leveling up seems to take an eternity but I really would like to earn the achievements for this game so any tips would be greatly appreciated.
if you need to get your sneak up, go to skingrad guard tower into the equipment room go into sneak mode and jump on top of the shelves, just walk into the wall and your sneak will get to 100 in about 2 hours, you can rubberband your joystick and leave but come back every once in a while when a message comes up saying your and apprentice and such... this greatly helps the thieves guild missions...
Re: Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 7:11 pm | #10
Quote by Kidd:
Anyone got any help of how to cure the vampire disease? PLEASE!
I love being a vampire! On my second save, intentionally got infected within an hour of playing! Anyway, there is a long quest you can do to get a cure. It starts by asking around at the university about a cure. You eventually end up doing a quest for the leader o Skingrad that has you find a witch and collect things for the cure.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 7:14 pm | #11
you need a cure disease before you completely transform into a vampire, all the local markets usually have them
Re: Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 7:55 pm | #12
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Dont worry about thieves guild. That was probally the worst part of the game. I hated sneaking. Do fighters guild, mages guild first. Take your time and embrace the game.
i actually found it pretty fun.
probably my 2nd favorite, following the DB of course.
anyway... you do realize that you level up by using your main skills right?
it's been a LONG time since i've played, but i think that's right.
uhhhhh i think i went with:
light armor
annnnd i can't remember the last one. probably sneak.
i think lockpick and speechcraft were wasted skills for some reason.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 8:10 pm | #13
Yeah I mean I understand the concepts but it just seems that I'm leveling up at a very slow pace which gets kind of frustrating.
Re: Oblivion Help
07/19/09 8:17 pm | #14
leveling isn't really a big deal in oblivion anyway.
loot levels with you, and you don't even see certain enemies until you hit a certain level.
makes the game kinda lame once you realize that lol.
luckily i didn't know that when i first played the game.
my advice would be to join the dark brotherhood guild. it's pretty radical.
i thought the MQ sucked. bethesda doesn't always deliver in that department.
loot levels with you, and you don't even see certain enemies until you hit a certain level.
makes the game kinda lame once you realize that lol.
luckily i didn't know that when i first played the game.
my advice would be to join the dark brotherhood guild. it's pretty radical.
i thought the MQ sucked. bethesda doesn't always deliver in that department.