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Are you ready to experience the gritty underworld of the mob in high
definition? 2K Games has released the HD trailer of its upcoming video
game Mafia II. Developed by Illusion Softworks, Mafia II will feature a
deep mobster-driven narrative packed with both behind-the-wheel and
on-foot action. The Hollywood movie style action and gameplay illustrate
the intensity of the mob's criminal world.
The sequel to the successful Mafia, Mafia II immerses players in the mob
underworld of a fictitious late 1940's-early 1950's scenario. Players
will quickly become engaged in the game's cinematic movie experience
with strong, believable characters in a living, breathing city. By
fusing high octane gunplay with white knuckle driving and an engaging
narrative, Mafia II looks to be the industry's most compelling Mafia
title to date.
Mafia II will be available for next generation consoles and Games for