Archived: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
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New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 6:50 pm | #1
Conficker computer worm is going to start again? Its all over the place. Aol, yahoo, and other spots. or is it some april fools joke? because its starting April 1st! kind of scary. look at the stories. WOW
Re: Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 6:55 pm | #4
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
The government put out a $250,000 bounty for the creator of the bug
they did?? i havent read/or heard that
Unattributed Quote:
they did?? i havent read/or heard that
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:18 pm | #8
As soon as I heard about this I used the free scan on microsoft's website, it says they'll detect it. I'm good.
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:27 pm | #9
yeah I heard about this too, and i just got my computer back D:
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:28 pm | #10
i love my Mac for this reason alone- no more windows and the crap you have to endure! i have a theory that these virus protection companies are actually the ones writing these viruses/spyware/worms in order to make the vicious circle of money flow. new virus=new update....etc.
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:33 pm | #11
Ya know what's funny? This whole thing could be a joke microsoft is playing on people. April fools anyone? And about that 250K ransom.. Could be fake. Microsoft has like 500 trillion dollars remember?
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:39 pm | #12
I doubt it, my uncle was talking about and hes a big computer guy and what not
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:43 pm | #13
I'd think if there was a virus like this, it'd go for US computers.. and not pirated computers. I'd say it'd go for every kind of windows it would. Kinda convenient that everybody knows when it is coming out too huh?
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:45 pm | #14
I heard about this a few days ago and got my computer checked up. this could be serious but i still wouldnt be surprised if it was an april fools joke
Re: New Bug/Virus starting tommorow?
03/31/09 9:46 pm | #15
I haven't been following this story at all (sitting easy on Mac OS X), but I don't understand how they know it's coming? How is that possible?