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Archived: Nervous about surgery
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Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 1:42 pm | #31
I've had surgery 3 times. Once on each knee and once to repair my broken nose.
My knees are screwed up thanks to high school football. I have 3 screws in my left knee and four in my right. The only one that had me worried was the broken nose. Since it was severely broken, they had to reconstruct it, I think that's how they said it. I was only nervous because it involved having stuff done to my face.
I wish you the best with your surgery. You are certainly not a pussy for being scared about a major surgery.
Re: Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 2:32 pm | #32
Quote by Epic Lou:
Quote by SheNaniGenz 510:
Oh dear... I am sorry that you have to have surgery. No, you are most certainly not a pussy! That is big stuff you are dealing with and your anxiety is well deserved.
You will be in the NaniGenz thoughts and prayers man. We will be sending lots of good energy to your doctors on the 24th. Everything will be alirght!

Keep us posted!
Quote by HeNaniGenz 510:
Dam Lou I had no idea. Lou you have been a great friend and I hate to see anyone suffer. Get through this surgery keep staying strong. Enjoy the meds. No you aren't a Pussy my friend. My wife (SheNaniGenz) had a mirror exploratory surgery about a year ago. I've had my fair share of shit happen in front of me. Had a friend drown in Lake Orville, watched a little girl get hit by a police car (no joke) even had my goddaughter die of SIDS at 3 months old. All that shit didn't compare to how nervous/helpless i was during her surgery. Its that you don't have any control that I don't like. I would rather be seeing and doing it myself but thats not possible since I'm no doctor.
The NaniGenz know this will work out for you. I'm not a praying man but you will be in all of are thoughts. As Three Little Birds would say:
"Don't worry about a thing cause ever little thing is goind to be all right"
Good luck my friend
Oh snap, sup guys? My favorite xbox family. You guys need to start posting here more often. I think you will enjoy it. Met so many cool people here. I think you'll like it. I really appreciate it. I'll be alright. I'll post the room number and phone number from the hospital so you guys can give me a call. I'll see you guys later on tonight.
Just for you Lou... I'll come check out this site and hang out here!

It's been a while since I've been on a site an regularly posting... I'll see if I can spare a little time! Yes, please post your hospital # and room #... You will get a call from us!

COD tonight?
Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 2:52 pm | #34
Lou, just keep your head up man...I know something like this can lay some heavy stuff on your mind. I know when I thought I was going to have to have surgery on my stomach from the ulcers I had so much stuff going through my head and I got scared to
I'm sure though that everything will go the way they are suppose to, and you will be back on your feet in no time. I'll keep you in my prayers while you are going through these tough times. Your a good man Lou, and you will be fine.
Good Luck
Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 2:54 pm | #35
Damn Lou good luck man. I wouldn't be nervous, don't worry
Re: Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 4:17 pm | #36
Quote by xOne5hotx:
I wouldn't be nervous, don't worry
lol....yeah you would
Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 8:53 pm | #39
Re: Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 8:54 pm | #40
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
Lou good luck man, I'm confident everything will go smoothly. You'll look back on being nervous and laugh at it.
who doesnt do that? really. everytime ive been nercous about something i look back like 2 days after, and even years later, and laugh at myself...its a good feeling when youre like "man, i was nervous about THAT? MAN, what was i thinking?" lofl
Re: Nervous about surgery
02/19/09 10:42 pm | #41
i love surgery..... especially when you get to recover and don't have to work! plus you get cool scars to show off!
Re: Nervous about surgery
02/21/09 10:17 pm | #45
how much for your pills lou?
if i didn't say it someone would
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