Archived: "My Threads" button removed?
Posted Under: Suggestions & Bug Reports
"My Threads" button removed?
06/25/09 3:44 pm | #1
Quick question. Was wondering if the 'My Threads' button is still somewhere to be found on the sites new layout. Did the 'Competitions' tab take it's place? With all the activity the forums get these days I found the 'My Threads' button helpful.
Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/25/09 3:47 pm | #2
Its in the USER CP now. Jackson moved it there because of the Competition button.
Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/25/09 6:07 pm | #9
wow thanks. i didnt know were it was either
Re: Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/29/09 5:48 pm | #11
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Jackson, I would like to request that the my threads tab be put back on the homepage. I used this feature more than anything else. I am having a hard time finding threads now unless they are on the homepage as the most recent posts. I know its in User CP but it makes it more difficult. Sorry if that doesn't make any sense.

Re: Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/29/09 6:05 pm | #12
Quote by Top Dogs 360:
Jackson, I would like to request that the my threads tab be put back on the homepage. I used this feature more than anything else. I am having a hard time finding threads now unless they are on the homepage as the most recent posts. I know its in User CP but it makes it more difficult. Sorry if that doesn't make any sense.
I think "New Posts" should be removed and then add the My Threads.. most of the "New Posts" are already on the front page and we know about it, I'm not sure about anyone else but i don't even use the New Posts button
Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/29/09 9:38 pm | #14
Yeah i think the My Threads should be put back too, but the new location doesn't really bother me that much, so it dont really matter to me.
Re: "My Threads" button removed?
06/29/09 9:47 pm | #15
yeah, i just now realized that there's a "new posts" section lol.
that's new? isn't that what the "recent posts" on the homepage is?
if so, i think i'd like the "my threads" tab back.
it's not too much to click my CP, though. whatever works.
that's new? isn't that what the "recent posts" on the homepage is?
if so, i think i'd like the "my threads" tab back.
it's not too much to click my CP, though. whatever works.