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Archived: My New Tattoo
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Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 7:41 pm | #76
Okay, so here is the finished product. I'm sorry for the quality of the picture, it was taken off of my cell phone. I have the guys at the tattoo shop emailing me the pictures so once I get them in I will post them.

I also got this tattoo done today.

And Juicy...Sorry buddy, I tried looking for the thread that you made but I couldn't find it. Not trying to steal your shine homie, haha.
I have to agree with everything he said though. The prices differ depending on what shop you go to and it differs for what you want tattoo'ed onto you.
The guys at the shop I went to were real cool. My back peice was suppose to be $350 but the dude that did my tat was able to finish it today after I told him I was only going to put $100 on it (he was so close to finishing it at the end I told him to go ahead and finish it) Once he was done the owner of the shop told me not to worry about it and he will just take the hundred, which brought the price to my tat to $200.
Anyways, do keep in mind they are very addicting, lol.
Tell me what you guys think! Better pictures will be coming ( and notice...there is NO pink in the color, haha )
Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 8:23 pm | #77
Nice ink man. Just got my first one a few weeks ago. Check out the video if ya want.
Mine ran my sister $140. They went by the hour, and I also didn't get any color.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/daD51AVI8TY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/daD51AVI8TY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 9:06 pm | #80
Quote by IDAHO DUB:
Nice ink man. Just got my first one a few weeks ago. Check out the video if ya want.
Mine ran my sister $140. They went by the hour, and I also didn't get any color.
<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/daD51AVI8TY&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/daD51AVI8TY&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
i saw that face of pain, you cant say you were feeling great! lol jk
whats it say anyways? i couldnt read it lol
thatd be awesome captain. theres prolly someone whod get a full back tat of the heath joker..i wouldnt doubt it..
id like to get a tat, but i doubt i could stand the pain lol...id have to be like..drunk and not realize i have it until the morning 2 days later lol
"whered this come from?"
sounds like a bad day :yep:
Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 9:37 pm | #82
i love the pencil part. i havent watched the movie, but my friend described it..sounds hilarious
"watch it..its gong to dissappear"
Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 9:49 pm | #84
k. ill ask my mom if we cna see it this weekend
last time i asked, she said it was a dark movie..so i reminded her "i play gears of war mom, and its a pretty dark game too.."
so ill ask again this weekend

we like going out to see movies, and this movie is r gon rawk
Re: My New Tattoo
09/05/08 10:00 pm | #86
idk. tbh, i think she thought it was rated r. but idk. i think she was just too busy that weekend to go to the movies...
but, whatever..im determined to see it this weekend, and at the latest next weekend..and (hopefully) NOTHING WILL STOP MEH!!
Re: My New Tattoo
09/06/08 3:35 am | #88
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
well good luck with that...if they ever make an R-rated batman movie....I think I'd be in heaven.
yea..thatd be on crazy movie lol
just imagine the joker from the dark knight, but rated r
Re: My New Tattoo
09/06/08 9:01 am | #90
most of the shops i been to won't tattoo you if they see you are under the influence of something.

but I popped two Valiem before I got the one on my right arm, in which I'll post some pics later for you guys to see...It was a graduation present and I wasn't sure what to expect...so I popped two pain killers so I wouldn't feel any pain............and I didn't, lol
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