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Archived: Most Despised Video Game Character
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Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 2:13 am | #61
Navi from the ocarina of time, damn her.
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 4:19 am | #62
Makoto: Enchanted Arms
Cole: Gears of War
Salsa: Eternal Sonata
Sarah: Star Ocean IV
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 7:47 am | #63
Resete the mole on freaking animal crossing
Re: Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 9:13 am | #64
Quote by Krueger1428:
Cole: Gears of War

Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 11:35 am | #65
I dont know if any of you played animal crossing but that mole character was a fucking asshole. He would actually give you shit if you didn't save your game during a previous playthrough. He would as far to pretend to shutoff your gamecube if you did it enough times. Fucking prick asshole!
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 1:06 pm | #66
YES. The mole in Animal Crossing was a douche. Haha
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 1:25 pm | #67
i always used to play 007 nightfire on ps2 and this bitch kiko would always come after me and she was just a bitch i freaking hated her and she always got stuck like she would be nonstop running into walls and she was just a complete idiot and somehow she was like insanely good idk everytime i saw her i was like GTFO!
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 1:28 pm | #68
also i hate bill on left 4 dead i mean i love that game so much but hes just a creepy ass old man and hes a pedo and wtf his cigarette somehow never falls out of his mouth and he never needs a new one and im pretty sure hes always drunk or like tripping off something and he just says the creepiest things.
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 3:48 pm | #70
impossible, almost make believe plays in madden. its crazy some of the shit they pull in that game
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 7:16 pm | #71
The Prophet of Regret (?) in Halo 2 on Legendary. He's not annoying but his NEVER ending army is....
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 7:32 pm | #72
every kids game ever... they all suck, how do they expect 6+ year olds to finish some of these games... My cousin is playing Bolt on my xbox right now and he's like crying because he can't get past level 2...
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/26/09 8:31 pm | #73
jappenesse soldiers in cod waw on veteran. grenade heaven
Re: Most Despised Video Game Character
09/30/09 10:11 pm | #74
Ashley from Mass Effect. She didn't bother me at first, but the more times I played through, the worse it got.
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