Not your granny's tame Judas Priest meanderings. Not your dad's Black Sabbath records.
This is the real stuff--prepare to give your fingers and calf muscles the workout from hell.
From early speed/thrash to recent American death metal, this pack contains some fast and brutal schtuff. You're looking at riffs and drum beats starting around the 180bpm mark and going up from there.
Think you can keep up with Inferno's inverted doubles in Conquer All?
Ever wanted to play that sweet metal song that was in the first Ace Ventura movie? (it's Hammer Smashed Face)
Just have a vendetta against your kick pedal & snare pad?
Love it or hate it, extreme metal is finally getting a big DLC booster shot to sit alongside Visions on your Rock Band setlists. If you're used to hanging out towards the bottom of Rock Band's song list for the meaty stuff, there's tons of fun here.
The "Mayhem Pack" costs 1,080MS pts* and contains the following:
Behemoth "Conquer All"
Black Dahlia Murder "What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse"
Cannibal Corpse "Hammer Smashed Face"
God Forbid "Empire of the Gun"
Job for a Cowboy "Embedded"
Marilyn Manson "Disposable Teens" <--wtf??
Slayer "Black Magic"
Whitechapel "This Is Exile"
This week, the hardcore and heavy rock crowds can sit down while the gods of metal rise to pummel!
Definitely recommend you either lower the difficulty or upgrade your drum pedal for this one

Tracks can also be purchased seperately for 160MS pts.
Don't like metal? Hey, that's cool. It's not for everyone. But at least it's not another country pack, right?

*If you do the math, this comes out to $13.49 USD.
1349 is the year the black plague hit Norway, and also the name of an excellent Norwegian black metal band.