Quote by TehLoooveMuffin:
Dude i tottaly agree.
This and the thing about learning more about the locust and the fake return of carmine
its no fake return. gow had Anthony Carmine, gow2 will have his brother Benjamin Carmine. i think it was doc who told me that...emm jay, whatever you wanna call him...
sounds fun tho

longer campaign, more new weapons, locust have new stuff, THE BRUMAK CAN BE RIDDEN!!! (thing looked like a forkin beast in the e3 preview =D) and the new executions and meat shields will be AWESOME!!! yaaaay gow2 =D
now i gotta get more money lol. need 80$ for this media player i wanna get (can play music + vids, and has a cam and 4GB

) and 60$ for GOW2 lol..140$...hmmm
tbh tho i wish the normal campaign was 4 player. the other two would be like Cole and Baird, or maybe Ben...or if one of them dies (if cole dies i r gon be pissed and go on a forkin rampage against the locust...on gow mp i usually play as cole cause hes the best guy there lol so is carmine cause he died) but thatd be cool...horde sounds fun, cause every level (theres like somewhere from 20-50 levels, idk if theyve confirmed the exact numbers) they slowly get harder every round. the new scorcher and priest locust look totally BA too