Archived: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 12:32 pm | #2
they're going to have a gears of war 3? shewwwwww
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 12:44 pm | #3
Wow, what a tease but I want this game even more now. If only it could be 4 player co-op and we could all play it together.
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 1:25 pm | #5
Just watched the Inside Xbox clip about Horde mode. It's 5 player co-op and sounds kick ass. I can see many hours of Xba peeps playing that.
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 1:36 pm | #8
Yes, I am most certainly taking a personal day November 7 and going to a Gears 2 midnight release. Game Crazy in my area is having a Gears 1 tournament all night to celebrate before midnight.
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 2:18 pm | #10
Quote by Shockwave22:
my wifes work weeks switches from m-f to m-thursday the week b4 so shes finally getting to go to one 

If I can't get anyone to go with me, I will probably force my girlfriend to come

Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 3:12 pm | #12
5 PLAYERS!?!?!?! that's fantastic! lol. I mean it sucks when it's only 2 player and you want that 3rd person to come play with you, but now 5!???!?!?

Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 3:13 pm | #13
OKAY. QUESTION. I KNOW THE RELEASE DATE SAYS THE 7TH BUT THAT'S A FRIDAY AND HAS A GAME EVER RELEASED ON A FRIDAY? I MEAN, WOULDN'T IT BE THAT FOLLOWING TUESDAY? or is it for certain going to have a midnight release on that thursday!?!@?#!?@#?!@#??
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 3:23 pm | #14
Quote by meg a destr0yer:
OKAY. QUESTION. I KNOW THE RELEASE DATE SAYS THE 7TH BUT THAT'S A FRIDAY AND HAS A GAME EVER RELEASED ON A FRIDAY? I MEAN, WOULDN'T IT BE THAT FOLLOWING TUESDAY? or is it for certain going to have a midnight release on that thursday!?!@?#!?@#?!@#??
Yea, I have never actually noticed that before. Weird...
Re: (MUST READ)10 Things We Can Actually Tell You About Gears of War 2
10/06/08 3:39 pm | #15
Sick shit, nice stuff.
I love the extra #11, cause i would have never watched the full credits
Sick shit, nice stuff.
I love the extra #11, cause i would have never watched the full credits