Archived: Lost Planet Tournament
Posted Under: Tournament Discussion
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/04/08 8:48 pm | #16
I don't think anything is going to happen, but if it rains, there's a 80% chance my power/internet will go out, there are trees all near the powerlines, idk it's dumb, any little storm my power goes out like wtf?
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/04/08 9:49 pm | #17
I'll show for sure TK but you know I super suck at LP

Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/04/08 10:53 pm | #19
that's pretty damn generous tk, you make me feel inadequate in the kindness department.....
.....rock out with your co@k out!

Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/06/08 6:56 pm | #20
Tonight after GTA some people are gonna have a lot of free MS points!!! Cards are bought and sitting on the coffee table.
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/06/08 7:05 pm | #21
my dad might have a copy in this case he has. ill check. its its extreme condition ill be there (you did say extreme right?) and if its colonies then im not going to bother putting it in my 360 lol
if not, then im going to go for some gow achievements or something..
anybody got a list of controls? if my dad has it, its a burned copy (he mods our 360s, but we DO have some gamse bought) so if its extreme ill atleast has somewhat of a decent chance lol
sounds like fun, thats why im joining
if not, then im going to go for some gow achievements or something..
anybody got a list of controls? if my dad has it, its a burned copy (he mods our 360s, but we DO have some gamse bought) so if its extreme ill atleast has somewhat of a decent chance lol
sounds like fun, thats why im joining
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/06/08 8:36 pm | #22
I can only play til 11 pm est because of the hurricane so I don't think I will make it ><
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/06/08 8:46 pm | #23
its after the GTA tourn...idk when it ends tho :\
but youll prolyl make it
btw, i have the extreme conditon game
thats the one required, si? just came to check the site for new posts, and now im off to try and get the controls down lol
but youll prolyl make it
btw, i have the extreme conditon game

Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/07/08 3:16 am | #24
Thanks everyone who played, I will post full results tomorrow.
Albert hart was the big winner, taking home 3 of the point cards.
XLSOLIDSNAKEXL taking the other.
Good job guys!
Albert hart was the big winner, taking home 3 of the point cards.
XLSOLIDSNAKEXL taking the other.
Good job guys!
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/07/08 11:05 am | #26
albert hart cheated on the stupid training facility game....kept shooting us through the floor >_< grr
congrats to them anyways lol..
i almost won the first game, then suddenly tk, repo, laguna, and one other person got in front of me randomly
but oh well
congrats to them anyways lol..
i almost won the first game, then suddenly tk, repo, laguna, and one other person got in front of me randomly

Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/07/08 11:09 am | #28
i was beasting it in the beginning..then it said "1 minute remaining" and i couldnt find anybody 
but the grappling hook is so much jumping =D
we shoulda stayed on pirate fortress for the team elimination tk..that training facility map is now the one map i despise lol

but the grappling hook is so much jumping =D
we shoulda stayed on pirate fortress for the team elimination tk..that training facility map is now the one map i despise lol
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/07/08 12:06 pm | #29
Nick was telling me that he got a new set of parents from this, Evol and Raine adopted him?
Re: Lost Planet Tournament
09/07/08 12:37 pm | #30
No ringers, but he may have been in a room with me and pittsers last week and we were talking about it. I had nothing to do with who signs up and who joined the games. I think he was over achieving a bit and took advantage of new players. I don't remember him being that good when playing with other experienced players.
Taco, shooting trough the floor is just part of that map. It isn't a solid floor. It's a metal mesh and if you have the right gun you can do that.
Taco, shooting trough the floor is just part of that map. It isn't a solid floor. It's a metal mesh and if you have the right gun you can do that.