Archived: Lego Games
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Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 6:12 pm | #3
i didnt think they were easy at all. In fact, i remember them being long and time consuming so thus I didnt do them.
Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 6:16 pm | #4
Some of the undeafeteds in the flying level can be angersome, but they are mostly easy in my opinion? Remeber beating the game is set to childrens skill, but some of the acheiviements and unlockables (getting kit parts) are set for gamer skills.
Yes I have played the others but Batman and they seem just as easy.
Time consuming does equal hard for some people mine is with time put in on valor acheivments in chromehounds, but the game is doable in 36-50 hours, remember in my opinion.
Yes I have played the others but Batman and they seem just as easy.
Time consuming does equal hard for some people mine is with time put in on valor acheivments in chromehounds, but the game is doable in 36-50 hours, remember in my opinion.
Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 6:57 pm | #5
The thing about LEGO games is that they ARE easy. There's nothing to them that you can't do. It's whether you are willing to put the time into them to get all of the achievements. From what I know Lego Indiana Jones is the quickest completion. Like KSU said, the undefeated levels in Star Wars OT can be frustrating but obtainable. Whether you have the time required and patience necessary to get the points out of the games is a personal threshold.
Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:05 pm | #6
furthest i've gotten in a lego game was lego batman and i got 665 out of 1000 i believe and even that took me about 20+ hours with a friends help...
Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:32 pm | #7
I 1000'd lego Indiana Jones, but it wasn't enjoyable.
the game used the same button(specifically B) for way to many things and didnt use the shoulder buttons at all, bad design.
the game used the same button(specifically B) for way to many things and didnt use the shoulder buttons at all, bad design.
Re: Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:33 pm | #8
Quote by theevol1:
The thing about LEGO games is that they ARE easy. There's nothing to them that you can't do. It's whether you are willing to put the time into them to get all of the achievements. From what I know Lego Indiana Jones is the quickest completion. Like KSU said, the undefeated levels in Star Wars OT can be frustrating but obtainable. Whether you have the time required and patience necessary to get the points out of the games is a personal threshold.
Lego Indy Jones is the only Lego game I've played and I 1K'd it. For the most part is was pretty easy but some of the cheevos were a pain in the ass requiring playing levels multiple times. It was the first game I completed 1000/1000.
Re: Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:34 pm | #9
Quote by Blackmagic16:
I 1000'd lego Indiana Jones, but it wasn't enjoyable.
the game used the same button(specifically B) for way to many things and didnt use the shoulder buttons at all, bad design.
the game used the same button(specifically B) for way to many things and didnt use the shoulder buttons at all, bad design.
by bad design i hope you mean terrible, i believe i only got 385 in that game and i didnt enjoy ANY of it.. i played lego star wars tcs for about 3 hours and only got 1 cheeve, reflect 100 or 50 lazer beams was glitched for me

Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:37 pm | #10
You guys are gonna make me buy the complete saga and burn thourgh it aren't you!
Yes I know aren't isn't a word. It just sounds right to me.
Yes I know aren't isn't a word. It just sounds right to me.
Re: Re: Lego Games
08/08/09 7:39 pm | #11
Quote by KSU DS:
You guys are gonna make me buy the complete saga and burn thourgh it aren't you!
Yes I know aren't isn't a word. It just sounds right to me.
Yes I know aren't isn't a word. It just sounds right to me.
........ that's a word in my book.
anyway, i found lego indie a pretty easy and enjoyable 1K.
a couple of the cheevos were kinda time consuming but not too bad.
don't think i'll be diving into the others though. one was enough for me.
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