I have it on my Gamefly Queue, so I guess I'll find out.
Archived: Legendary
Posted Under: Gaming
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12/10/08 7:18 pm | #1
Has anyone played the game "Legendary?" I saw a trailer for it at E3 and it looked really cool, but then all of the sudden it was out. No press, no commercials. So if any of you guys have it, is it any good? It looks like a really interesting idea for a game, so I was just wondering.
I have it on my Gamefly Queue, so I guess I'll find out.
I have it on my Gamefly Queue, so I guess I'll find out.
Re: Legendary
12/10/08 7:32 pm | #3
Well that dampened my spirits : (
Oh well, I'm still going to play it. I have Fallout 3, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Rock Revolution on backup in case it is really bad. : )
Oh well, I'm still going to play it. I have Fallout 3, Brothers in Arms: Hell's Highway, and Rock Revolution on backup in case it is really bad. : )
Re: Legendary
12/10/08 7:33 pm | #4
is this the one with Will Smith?
Re: Legendary
12/10/08 7:37 pm | #5
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
is this the one with Will Smith?
No, that's I Am Legend. That was a movie. This is a video game.
Re: Legendary
12/10/08 7:42 pm | #6
Quote by da1337nesMonstr:
No, that's I Am Legend. That was a movie. This is a video game.
could you be a little more specific?

Re: Legendary
12/10/08 8:09 pm | #7
Rock Revolution, that was supposed to be TERRRIBBLEEEE

Re: Legendary
01/11/09 1:47 pm | #9
Oh jesus. I rented Legendary. The most frustrating game I've ever played. I'd rather get 1000 gamerscore from Burnout: Revenge than play it again. It was fun for the first 3 minutes, actually the beginning sucked. It was fun for atleast 3 minutes somewhere in the story. Then I managed to beat this impossible boss fight, and it froze....
Re: Legendary
01/11/09 3:49 pm | #10
The reviews of this game are all over the place. OXM gave it like a 6.5 or 7.5 which isn't completely horrible. I might rent it sometime if I'm bored, but I got tons of games to play atm so I'm not gonna pay too much attention to it.
Re: Legendary
01/11/09 4:18 pm | #11
I just finished playing Legendary, on the normal setting, and its not the worst game I have played. Two or three times during the campaign the enemies are on infinite respawn with really no point or reason given, one just has to figure this out on their own. The final "battle" will piss you off though. One can expect about 500 points for a play through.
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