Anyone else that played this game find it annoying? I understand its easy. But its bad.
Archived: King Kong the game
Posted Under: Xbox 360 Games
King Kong the game
06/28/09 4:48 am | #1
Why does this game make me wanna pull all of the hair out of my head. I don't know what it is..... I just don't like it. I tried playing this game a long time ago, but a game breaking glitch made me give up with only 100gs. I just installed it to the hard drive a little while ago and it solved the problems that I had. But this game still annoys the hell out of me. If it wasn't for the cheats I don't think I would bother with this game.
Anyone else that played this game find it annoying? I understand its easy. But its bad.
Anyone else that played this game find it annoying? I understand its easy. But its bad.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 4:58 am | #2
I played this gamewhen it first came out then had to put it away for a loooooong time, 2 years, before one day a few months ago when I decided it was time to finish it offand get my 1k of achievements. I don't ever want to play that again or Lego Batman. Although, I did love Lego Batman, it's just I don't want to search for another canister or build another vehicle... wah! The cheats help but trudging through KK is just a chore.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 12:40 pm | #3
That game needs a flashlight cheat code big time. I played through w/out cheats (didn't know about them) but if you can change your display to black and white it might help you.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 12:44 pm | #4
The only part that i had a problem with was the large snake part, i swear that took me about 3 hours just to beat them, i finally figured out that there is a button combo to kill them easily.
the game im having problems with is clive Barkers Jericho, there is too much space to cover for another checkpoint and i cant get the cheats to work, im stuck at one part ehich seems impossible to pass
the game im having problems with is clive Barkers Jericho, there is too much space to cover for another checkpoint and i cant get the cheats to work, im stuck at one part ehich seems impossible to pass
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 12:49 pm | #5
KK was terrible. i tried to do it just for the chieves but just couldnt do it. i gave up and threw the disk till it shattered. literally. i bought it for 4 bucks so it wasnt worth trading so i destroyed it. it was much more fun than playing the game. if u just want an easy 800 i did read somewhere that u can level select. i wouldnt do it but hey im not u.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 12:51 pm | #6
i absolutely hated kong.
it's the single worst game i've ever played on my 360.
if that isn't bad enough, i got maybe 3/4 of the way through the campaign and one day half of my save was gone. i had to start way back over. i was pissed.
it IS a fairly easy 1K, but i couldn't say it's worth it. it's just so horrible.
it's the single worst game i've ever played on my 360.
if that isn't bad enough, i got maybe 3/4 of the way through the campaign and one day half of my save was gone. i had to start way back over. i was pissed.
it IS a fairly easy 1K, but i couldn't say it's worth it. it's just so horrible.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 1:30 pm | #7
I'm gonna attempt to finish it. I actually own it. So I want to beat it so I can get rid of it.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 5:49 pm | #8
Yeah I borrowed KK from a friend. It was very infuriating even if you didn't use cheats. I had read previously not to use cheats in level 5 iirc, the first time you have to save Hayes from the raptors, so I made sure to finish level 4 without cheats and start 5 without cheats. Hayes wasn't there. His voice was, but he physically was not there. It did this to me 6 times before it worked right, I was so pissed.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 5:59 pm | #9
Finally done with this piece of crap. The game didn't glitch on me at all. From what I had read the cheat that caused most if the glitches was the Tommy Gun. So I just used a pistol with the 999 bullets cheat and one shot kills. Rolled right through it. Just glad its over. I may just use this game as a coaster if no one wants to take it from me.
Re: Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 6:02 pm | #10
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Finally done with this piece of crap. The game didn't glitch on me at all. From what I had read the cheat that caused most if the glitches was the Tommy Gun. So I just used a pistol with the 999 bullets cheat and one shot kills. Rolled right through it. Just glad its over. I may just use this game as a coaster if no one wants to take it from me.
wow! i didn't know there even were cheats for this game! it was like the 3rd 360 game i ever played and i rented it and ended up not paying for it after i complained to Blockbuster how it kept freezing- i thought it was the disk at the time as i had to play through it almost twice because of "glitches".

Re: Re: Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 6:13 pm | #11
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
Quote by Drunk3nDuffman:
Finally done with this piece of crap. The game didn't glitch on me at all. From what I had read the cheat that caused most if the glitches was the Tommy Gun. So I just used a pistol with the 999 bullets cheat and one shot kills. Rolled right through it. Just glad its over. I may just use this game as a coaster if no one wants to take it from me.
wow! i didn't know there even were cheats for this game! it was like the 3rd 360 game i ever played and i rented it and ended up not paying for it after i complained to Blockbuster how it kept freezing- i thought it was the disk at the time as i had to play through it almost twice because of "glitches".

If it wasn't for the cheats..... I don't think I would have put up with this game. I had glitches the first time I played this game when it got released. It had a game breaking glitch that made me give up. For some reason last night I got bored enough that I decided to install it to my hd to see if it solved the problems and it did. I didn't run into single one with it on the hd.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 7:06 pm | #12
I had this game for so long until I decided to 1k it, although I didn't experience any troubles with it during my play. However, it did blow ass.
Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 8:06 pm | #13
at one point, while playing this turd orderve, herd of dinosaurs froze around my character but i still had control over him. sadly, i couldn't advance any further in the game and my last save was 3 chapters prior, so yea, this game sucked.
Re: Re: King Kong the game
06/28/09 8:28 pm | #15
Quote by MILLER x360a:
i was going to rent it today the reviews dont sound to good
dude if you want an easy 1000 point game, this is it. it may glitch out on you but my advice to you would be "save often"! it's real easy, just frustrating if you have to restart a lot.