Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Quote by Taco:
I better get on that
Wolfenstein 3D arcade
Quote by SeanTM22:
Quote by Taco:
I better get on that
well, i personally wanted to get the full 1k before l4d2 comes out, and when me and lord aldemar each got close to our final achievements (him all 4 campaigns on expert, me the 53k kills, which at the time i had about 31k) and we made a deal that he could lobby glitch 3 of them, but he had to suffer fully through 1 expert campaign, and when i got to around 50k kills (i had been doin the safe room thing. camp in there w/ a boomer on no mercy finale after killin the bots) i had to go through full campaigns and not use glitches. and yesterday at the end i needed 1500 kills, he needed 1 campaign on expert (the one he had to completely go through on expert) and i lucked up and got it

altho now im going to take a hiatus from l4d. i hear boomer sounds and hunter screams when i sleep x-x ive playedit ALOT lately...

Quote by Ab intestato:

I would if i ever got my last achievement, all i have is to get all the campaigns on expert except No mercy (easy one), I made it all the way to the finale on the Boat one, but we never did finish,
@ Taco
I was wondering if the quiting and rejoining thing works for expert campaigns?
Like you play through untill the 4th safe room on easy, one person goes in, quits, and rejoins while the other person changes the difficulty to expert
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