Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Quote by Barney Rulez:
Easy 1k? No annoying such as control/or camera view? Collection spot easily without guide? 1 out of 10, diffcult.. You think it's as..?
Quote by LOWlifeSpIdEr:
you 1kd bionic commando! congrats to you mr oger! I have that somewhere in my lineup how is it?
Its not bad, I wouldn't call it an easy 1k, but not too hard either. Definitely follow a guide for the collection achivements

Quote by Minioger:
I tried to play Lost but I just couldn't bring myself to putting even 10 min in it
That game sucks. I had to run through it twice due to a glitch in the game that caused me to skip a huge part of a chapter. That's usually awesome, as it makes the game shorter, but I missed 3 Havoc puzzles, 2 VR discs, and 18 scannable items. (There is a 100 point achievement for scanning 130 items. There are 147 total. Yes, I missed the achievement by 1 scan!

39 retail completions!
Quote by FA Q MAN:
Hell Yeah! SOme of us on this site are REAL MEN who will play ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING, for some gamerscore.
I need to find My Horse and Me 2 now....
Quote by Lady Evol:
LOL I think the only people not afraid of me are my kids... the only ones I WANT to be afraid of me XP
I don't fear you at all. You may be Lady Evol, and your man may be Evol, but I am EVIL.
I win.

Quote by Lady Evol:
Quote by Ab intestato:
I tried to play Lost but I just couldn't bring myself to putting even 10 min in it
I played Lost last summer, and I was sending nasty texts to Evol for even suggesting the game to me. Parts are just horrible! But we recently caught up on Lost, beginning to the last season finale and now I kinda would like to go back and play it again.

lol its $8 used at game crazy and I was thinking of picking it up until I tried it there I walked around for 2 min then asked them to turn it off I got bored that fast. I really wated to go for the easy 1,000 too

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