Sticky: Just Completed (insert Games Name)
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Quote by Minioger:
wow, just wow ha ha. And I thought my 23 was good....

Quote by ImpureKing44:
Quote by Minioger:
wow, just wow ha ha. And I thought my 23 was good....

LOL! montrossity is at 240! two freakin' forty man!
Quote by Noah 9000:
Quote by ImpureKing44:
wow, just wow ha ha. And I thought my 23 was good....

LOL! montrossity is at 240! two freakin' forty man!
dude...noah...just kick a man when hes feeling down....
but wow, simply wow !
I havent been too hardcore abour maxing titles out until recently, so hopefully I can just make the GS and maxed files tab respectable ha ha
funny thng is, next gen youll have to just start all over so all the work is essentially for nada but the fun of the hunt !
come to think of it though... now that the dashboard shows your completions, they might just incorporate that into the next console. that would be awesome, and not entirely far fetched.
Quote by Noah 9000:
come to think of it though... now that the dashboard shows your completions, they might just incorporate that into the next console. that would be awesome, and not entirely far fetched.
At least im not kicking norris style, which would be fatal.
And Im sure that maxed games tab will return, but odds are the next console will only show max games of that generation and have a new GS. I think a lot of gamers would love a chance to try and race for the top again.

Quote by Vishis31:

I liked it too up until the last couple episodes/missions. I'm a huge fan of the show but unlike the show I couldn't care a lick for the character you play in the game. I thought he was a huge douche and as he gained more and more of his memory I would wonder what the hell the writers were thinking. There were too many plot holes if you ask me.
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