Archived: It's Pants.
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
It's Pants.
10/29/07 7:46 pm | #1
Hey, I'm PantsOfLiberty. We'll see if I start frequenting this place.
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 7:50 pm | #2
hey welcome
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 8:21 pm | #3
hey whats up welcome
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 8:22 pm | #4
Welcome pants.
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 8:33 pm | #5
hello! i'm sure you'll like it.
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 10:53 pm | #6
Re: It's Pants.
10/29/07 11:05 pm | #7
welcome to xba
Re: It's Pants.
10/30/07 2:53 am | #8
what up and welcome to the community
Re: It's Pants.
10/30/07 9:52 am | #9
I'm new here myself, but welcome anyway.
Re: It's Pants.
10/30/07 3:38 pm | #10
welcome O(

Re: It's Pants.
10/30/07 3:50 pm | #11
welcome aboard. Please check the FAQ's lying around and have fun. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask so long as you use the search feature. Any you don't feel comfortable asking publicly you can always PM me.

Re: It's Pants.
10/30/07 6:14 pm | #12
welcome to the community
Re: It's Pants.
11/02/07 7:29 pm | #13
You're kidding, and XBOX Online community where I don't get insulted and called a noob on my first post? Thank you all. I think I'll be bringing some friends along to this place.
Re: It's Pants.
11/02/07 7:46 pm | #14
i like pants =]
Re: It's Pants.
11/03/07 8:14 pm | #15
I'm also new and I'm piggy backing off your thread because I'm new and my name is RudyPants. How's it going everyone?