The name's NuAngel. Had this screen name for... well, according to my "Microsoft Live" account since 1999 - when Microsoft acquired Hotmail... but I've been NuAngel since before then, had the email address for all those years.
Anyways, I'm an unemployed college graduate from Pennsylvania, trying to find a job (a degree in English and a tech-heavy work history doesn't seem to be a desirable combo!?). In my down time I WAS playing my 360, but it Red Ring'd about 3 weeks ago, and I'm still waiting for my replacement. Should be here this week.
I'm a regular over at, and I try to make appearances on the forums, but other than that I stick to my own old, old forums from years back (see: x3dfx).
I've got a hundred gigs of mp3s, a modded xbox with all console emulators, and tons of complete TV Series' downloaded. I'm a mega geek, bored out of my mind.
How's that for an introduction?
