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Archived: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
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Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:05 pm | #61
Quote by theevol1:
Oh god!! I haven't played Halo3 in months!! lol
If I'm around you guys can sh00t me! lol
That is pretty much my M.O. when playing. I got the nickname "bait" from Hockey while playing him in Halo 2 back a few years ago...LOL
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:07 pm | #62
so Z and evol are just gonna be like targets to shoot? lol
as long as the map we play on has a sniper or energy sword (or flamethrower on construct) ill be good
btw can the score to win be like, 50? that way its more fun
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:12 pm | #63
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
so Z and evol are just gonna be like targets to shoot? lol
as long as the map we play on has a sniper or energy sword (or flamethrower on construct) ill be good
btw can the score to win be like, 50? that way its more fun

Usually I spawn, run, die...spawn, run, die...wash, rinse, repeat...
The time limit of 10 minutes wil be reached long before anyone gets 50 kills...
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:14 pm | #64
bs! me and one5hot and cap'n will be murdering everyone! then regi will come in and fork up my running riot on the back of the warthog me and one5hot and cap'n are going to be in teaming up against everyone..
untill i jump out and own them w/ my power weapons

Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:40 pm | #65
Quote by BlakZombieTaco:
bs! me and one5hot and cap'n will be murdering everyone! then regi will come in and fork up my running riot on the back of the warthog me and one5hot and cap'n are going to be in teaming up against everyone..
untill i jump out and own them w/ my power weapons


I get the feeling this...has happened before, lol.
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:46 pm | #66
Quote by Hektic Juggalo:
I get the feeling this...has happened before, lol.
no..cause ive never played w/ both one5hot and cap'n at the same time. ive done campaign w/ cap'n, and i mightve done some MM w/ one5hot..
but not it hasnt happened before..i donth tihnk
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 2:49 pm | #67
^^ It has when I was driving you around on Standoff
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
08/16/08 3:16 pm | #68
Quote by MDub93:
^^ It has when I was driving you around on Standoff
yea...i almost had the 20th kill! lil bagel blew us up >_< 2 INCHES AWAY!!! i was shooting him! then we flipped over and the died! oh that so ticked me off >_< its such a shiny medal too!
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
09/06/08 6:11 pm | #69
Well, this is the thread for the tourney series, which ends tonight with the make up week featuring GTA4. I wanted to bump this up, (thanks for the link Repo!) to make sure that anyone with this game is aware that this will be happening tonight if they would like to join in the fun!
I suck at this game, but that won't stop me from showing up to get killed by all of you! So even if you aren't good, it shouldn't matter as fun is had by all!!
Game on!!
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
09/06/08 6:21 pm | #71
That suxx that you aren't playin' Captain.
Like my old man used to tell me on Saturday night... stay outta' jail boy!
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
09/06/08 6:26 pm | #72
I'll be there even though I haven't ever play this online. Back to being the bullet sponge. LoL!!!
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
09/06/08 6:29 pm | #73
TK!!!!!!!! We can shoot each other!! I've only played twice online, so once again I am in the same boat!! lol
It's still fun though!!
Re: Introducing: XbA Summer Tourney Series
09/06/08 6:35 pm | #75
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
I would be playing but I don't have the game as I really don't like GTA that much....and I'll try but as I always say if the cops show up all you have to do is out run your friends....
That goes for lions too!
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