Archived: Introducing Myself
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 5:53 am | #17
welcome to xba
Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 8:16 am | #18
welcome remember to join the tournys
Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 9:14 am | #19
Re: Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 2:53 pm | #20
Quote by untamed element:
Whats up, welcome to XBA. Hopefully you'll Yunderstand that this website is simple Yamesome.
I see what you did there.

Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 2:58 pm | #21

Re: Introducing Myself
10/09/09 4:11 pm | #23