Hektic: Well TK, lets get right into it: When did you first hear about our lovely little community?
TK Chillin: I'm pretty sure it was from the 360voice link. I read something from HouseMDfan that made me take a closer look at the site. So it's her fault. LoL!!!
H: Wow, that name brings back some memories... ::Shudders:: Alright then, moving on...Here is a question I was curious about a while back, and a chance to set the record straight: Just how do you get to play all those new games before their release date?
TK: My wife is a manager of a Movie Gallery. They get their new games in on a friday and most games street date is Tuesday. It's not against the rules either she is suppose to watch new movies to be better informed for her customers. I play the games and give her a mini review so she sorta knows what it's about and can help parents when the kids a asking for a mature game. She had a parent go off on her one time because they were renting GTA for their 8yr old son and she refused to rent it to them.
H: Interesting. Well, I am still waiting for my girlfriend to talk to me since I recently tried complaining to her manager in an attempt to get her fired so she could apply for a job at Hollywood Video. Thanks TK...So, does your wife game with you, or do you get to keep the new releases all to yourself?
TK: Some now that we have Scene it. Her and her friends are totally addicted to that game. She mostly play's on her laptop, though I caught her in the Arcade the other day.
H: Scene It, eh? I like the board game. Of course, no matter what time it is, if it is game time then she best be off your 360, right?

TK: No.
H: Okay then. Well, you said your wife is the manager at Movie Gallery, so I'm just curious what you do for work?
TK: Well I could tell you but then I would have to Kill you. Haha!!! I have two incomes and am pretty much set to retire at 55.
The most important thing about working is not really What you do, but what you do with the money you make. Make your money work For you, not the other way around. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE even if it's only 20 bucks a month and plan ahead. But don't forget to reward yourself for meeting you goals. That's what I do, meet a goal I set for myself and my reward is a new game.
H: Ah, I see. So, like, when Vinny moves that kilo of coke for you next month you will reward yourself with a copy of Fallout 3? Lol, I'm joking...I hope...

TK: Not really, it's not my initials and I'm not a member of the TK clan. (they're all Japs) TK stands for Thornapple Kellogg, which is the township I live in, and Chillin is what I do on the weekend playing Xbox. I like my tag and have never thought about changing it. Maybe if I move....LoL!!!
H: Lol, just move to a place with the same initials and you will be all set. Well TK, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we really appreciate what you did for us with the Lost Planet tournament earlier in the month and the Gears tourney last week. Any preliminary plans for something like that in the future?
TK: I would like to do a bigger tounament at least once a month, but not just shooters. Need to mix it up a bit I think with some racing and what ever. Open to everyones Ideas.
H: Awesome. Also, for those of you that do not know, TK is putting on another tournament this Saturday; we are all getting together and playing some Rainbow Six Vegas 2. Please check the boards for more info. Well TK, have you put any thought to maybe taking some prize donations from members for a tournament you are running? The ability to Gift MS Points after the update coming this Fall may really help you out as well.
TK: Some people have offered and that's fine. I like to help people out so I don't look at it as throwing money away. I know we wouldn't have to have a prize for XBA game night every Saturday, but it makes it just a bit more fun I hope for everyone. More on this subject coming soon in a Blog.
H: Well then, any prize donations can be sent to Hektic Juggalo and I will...foward them to TK

TK: Hmmm, It was really one of the first games I played online. Gears was out, but there were so many A-Holes on there I just said screw it. Lost Planet had a much more Mature lobby and since I'm an old Fart, I felt like I fit in better there. Most of the people I played with are still good online friends and we still play together on other titles as well as LP.
H: Yes, Gears did/does not have the best players on there. So what games are you currently playing?
TK: You never know what I will be playing. I'm not one to sit there and play a game to death for the 1000 pts. I take my time and leave things to do later on when I want to play that game again. Right now it's Force Unleashed, Eragon, Gin Rummy, and of course Lost Planet.
H: I'm trying to rent a copy of Force Unleashed, but there is only one video store even close to me

TK: I do have Gears preordered, but I would say I'm counting down the day's for it. There is a ton of really cool games coming are way and I think this is going to be the best holiday season ever. To name a few that have caught my eye.
Fallout 3
Fable 2
Even though I'm not a huge RPG fan these two look really good.
Far Cry 2
Left for Dead
Dead Space
Midnight club:LA
Need for Speed: Underground
Mortal Kombat vs Dc Universe
Godfather 2
Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.
I'm sure there is more and not all will be a must buy.
H: Yes, Fallout 3 and Fable 2 definitely look like they are worth taking a look at. Well, real quick, is there anything in particular you are really looking forward to concerning the "New Xbox Experience"?
TK: The new chat features probably. As some of you know I'm almost always in a chat with someone. Many of my friends have Xbox Live and we use it to stay in touch and sometime just hang out. I think I'm more excited about the Dashboard Update than any of the games coming out.
H: Ha ha, same here. Well TK, I appreciate you taking the time to sit down and chat.
For those of you that would like to try your hand at some Lost Planet or get involved in our Tourney's, hit TK up with a Friend Request. For those with any more questions, feel free to ask them below and I'm sure TK will love to answer them, provided he can get time away from his T.V. screen. Until next month...