Hektic: So, tell us a bit about yourself. Where you're from? Hobbies?
da1337nesMonstr: Well, I'm 13, from Virginia, love video games and reading, love roller coasters, I game almost every day, uh... I like to listen to rock/metal music, I think that's about it.
H: Roller coasters, eh? I'm not familiar with the Virginia area. Any cool theme parks in your area?
1337: Well I live near Washington D.C., so the closest two are Six Flags: America (Maryland), which is an OK park, and King's Dominion (near Richmond), which is my second favorite park. My favorite is Cedar Point (obviously), and Hershey Park is nice too.
H: I have meant to take a trip to Hershey Park for some time now. You mentioned music, what are some of the bands that you listen to?
1337: I'm into rock, metal, and some lighter rock. My favorite bands are: Iron Maiden, Metallica, Disturbed, Rush, and Muse.
H: Interesting. What games are you currently playing?
1337: Guitar Hero 2, Gears Of War, Rock Band, and Halo 3. I also just opened up a Gamefly account so I'll be getting Soul Calibur 4, Mass Effect, and Assassin's Creed soon.
H: Awesome. I have been seriously considering a GameFly account. So now, what games, besides Gears 2, are you looking forward to this year?
1337: Fallout 3, Guitar Hero: World Tour, and Rock Band 2 are must buys for me, but I'll also rent a lot (to name a few: Mercenaries 2, Far Cry 2, Star Wars: The Force Uunleashed, Dark Void, and maybe Prince of Persia and Spyro).
H: Damn, I forgot how many good games are coming out soon. As for the 360's upcoming over-haul from the Fall Update, is there anything in particular you are looking forward to in that regard?
1337: Well I'm not a whole fan of the "Avatar" thing, I think that that should stay with the Wii (I'll be using my gamerpic). I do like the whole Netflix system, and how you can share movies with other people who don't have it. Most of the other stuff I don't like or don't care about.
H: So is it safe to say that the upcoming update will cause you to get a Netflix subscription?
1337: Well our family already has a Netflix subscription, so I will definitely get the version on the 360.
H: Nice, so you are already covered. Alright, so what is one of your favorite aspects about the Xbox 360, anything from online play to selection of games to the community it has spawned?
1337: Well I would probably have to say online, because it is the most easy and simple to use, and also has the most features and abilities. And the large selection of games is also nice.
H: Fair enough. Now, out of curiosity, I just have to ask: What prompted the recent gamertag change?
1337: I started using that name during matches, like I would yell out Im da 1337nes Monster when we one or whatever, and I thought it was cool, and it was even more cool because I thought of it myself, so I just descided to change it. And da1337nesMonstr was born.
Well there you have it, RegiMan da1337nesMonstr. Feel free to post some questions for him to answer, or shoot him a Friend Request and take a stab at taming the monster yourself. Until next month folks, same bat-time, same bat-channel!