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Archived: Impossible Achievement?
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Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:02 pm | #1
Just wondering what games you guys have just given up on getting 1000/1000 gamerscore on because of a certain "impossible" acheivement.
I know of a couple that I honestly beleive no one will ever get, EVER!!
Ok first off Final Fantasy 11. Ok just in case you don't know, in order to complete this game you must get to level 75 in every class, yes every class... to level 75. um no thanks.
Second (and I have a personal hatred for this achievement because I've actually tried for it) is in Smash TV. You have to complete the entire game without dying, not even once. No one, I repeat, NO ONE will ever get that achievement.
Oh and Burnout Revenge, One of the achievements in that game requires you to be #1 in the world on the leaderboards.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:08 pm | #3
I searched for it, but didn't find anything, if it was I apologize.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:13 pm | #4
i got to around 7K kills in gears of war 1 before saying "fuck this game".
uh... i'll never get the last 2 achievements in hexic HD...
and as far as the other games i've played but never finished, i don't own them.
well except assassin's creed, and i might to back and get those flags someday, lol.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:13 pm | #5
Any game that has a "Collect every item in the game" achievement generally falls under this category for me, not worth the time investment to earn the last achieve to be honest.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:18 pm | #7
Quote by Nemesis Mask:
Any game that has a "Collect every item in the game" achievement generally falls under this category for me, not worth the time investment to earn the last achieve to be honest.
That reminds me! I forget which Tony Hawk it was, I think it was American Wasteland, for the last achievement you had to find every gap in the game, screw that. I got every achievement except for that one.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 5:43 pm | #8
Collecting all the cubes in Transformers - there are 2 in the desert I can't find
Collecting all the coupons etc. in The Simpsons
Collecting all the costumes in Spiderman FoF - my save game got deleted and I'm not playing it again.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 6:41 pm | #9
The Mile High Club on CoD4.
some people can do it, i just cant
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 7:36 pm | #10
all the achievements in Dash of Destruction and Avatar GRRRRR they made them sooooo difficult
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 7:52 pm | #11
Quote by xOne5hotx:
all the achievements in Dash of Destruction and Avatar GRRRRR they made them sooooo difficult

i know rite.
i broke a tooth playing avatar.
dash of destruction cost me two controllers!!
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 7:55 pm | #12
Quote by xOne5hotx:
all the achievements in Dash of Destruction and Avatar GRRRRR they made them sooooo difficult

My list, definitely some in Quake 4. Like be #1 and in the top 10 are impossible without a month of boosting. Me and my dad are in the inner circle of top Quake players, and we know how hard it it.
And the other game is Avatar. Those achivents are so hard.... just no. To the few people who have all the gamerscore in that game, you are jesus.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 9:08 pm | #13
come see me when you can get THE hardest achievement in gaming- Ridge Racer 6's
"no crash victory" -60 g
all you have to do is come in 1st place in every race in every car class without touching any thing-cars, walls or any environment. oh yea, there are over 250 + races. STtheKing was the first person in the world to bag this one and it got him an interview in an xbox magazine, i haven't done it, not even close to beating all races never mind not touching anything while your 3x boost-drifting around corners between 15 other cars and coming in 1st place!
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 9:34 pm | #14
Quote by Xc Livewire cX:
come see me when you can get THE hardest achievement in gaming- Ridge Racer 6's
"no crash victory" -60 g
all you have to do is come in 1st place in every race in every car class without touching any thing-cars, walls or any environment. oh yea, there are over 250 + races. STtheKing was the first person in the world to bag this one and it got him an interview in an xbox magazine, i haven't done it, not even close to beating all races never mind not touching anything while your 3x boost-drifting around corners between 15 other cars and coming in 1st place!
holy shite... how many people in the world have done that?!
and i can't believe something like that is only worth 60 points lol.
Re: Impossible Achievement?
12/19/08 11:23 pm | #15
Quote by TX Dead Man TX:
The online achievement for NBA Live 06 will be impossible to get since EA shut there servers down for that game.. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt them to turn them on for about a week.

Thats EA for you
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