Archived: I'm Back!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: I'm Back!
08/10/08 1:53 pm | #3
Welcome Back.
Re: I'm Back!
08/10/08 10:16 pm | #4
Welcome back, love the gamerpic also.
Re: I'm Back!
08/10/08 10:20 pm | #6
aiee go away go away
Re: I'm Back!
08/10/08 11:00 pm | #7
Welcome back, congrats on Mass Effect
Re: I'm Back!
08/11/08 2:52 am | #8
Now go get 10,000 kills on undertow and impress me!!!
Re: I'm Back!
08/11/08 2:55 am | #9
Welcome Back!! I love games that have special gamerpics for achieving something great, wish there were more games like that
Re: I'm Back!
08/11/08 5:31 am | #11
Quote by BigZuDaddy:
But I suck at undertow 561 kills enough?

no! 2,313 1/2! EXACTLY!
so you have to kill 2313 people, and get an assist..
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