I like Gamestop, but if some other store came along that gave a better deal, I would check them out. There's 3 Play'n Trades that opened in GR, but they don't have their shit together yet and don't offer a better deal. I have ran several businesses and it looks to me they just want a certain market share and aren't trying very hard to compete. I should open my own game store and I would destroy gamestop....and RULE THE WORLD!!! LOL!!!
Posted Under: Xbox News
02/28/09 1:13 pm | #31
I either keep them or give then away. I got 7 nephews ages 13-24 so I don't have a problem with things lying around that I don't want anymore!!!
I like Gamestop, but if some other store came along that gave a better deal, I would check them out. There's 3 Play'n Trades that opened in GR, but they don't have their shit together yet and don't offer a better deal. I have ran several businesses and it looks to me they just want a certain market share and aren't trying very hard to compete. I should open my own game store and I would destroy gamestop....and RULE THE WORLD!!! LOL!!!
I like Gamestop, but if some other store came along that gave a better deal, I would check them out. There's 3 Play'n Trades that opened in GR, but they don't have their shit together yet and don't offer a better deal. I have ran several businesses and it looks to me they just want a certain market share and aren't trying very hard to compete. I should open my own game store and I would destroy gamestop....and RULE THE WORLD!!! LOL!!!
02/28/09 1:26 pm | #32
some good points are made...on both sides, I can see the pro's and con's about it...but I still don't think they're is enough of an argument to be able to shut down gamestop for it...
02/28/09 1:56 pm | #33
not to mention they make barley any money off of new stuff they make all there money off used shit
02/28/09 2:21 pm | #34
That's all I heard, for 7 minutes and 33 seconds, whining.
Seriously, if these shoddy devs would stop making games that take 10-12 hours to complete and selling them for $60+ (Prince of Persia) then this wouldn't be an issue. If a game is very short, I buy it used. I don't feel the devs/publishers should get money for their laziness.
Look at Square-Enix lately. All their 360 games require 3+ playthroughs of short, 20-30 hours, games. Why? So they can artificially inflate the length of the game. I don't buy their games, even though they were my favorite company for 10+ years.
As the dude from Bethesda said, you make a good game, a long game, a game that's worth the money, people will buy it new. Less people will trade it in. I'm beginning to love Bethesda. I will NEVER trade my LE of Fallout 3 in or my LE of GTA4.
Also, let's think about the amount of bugs being released in games and never fixed, by companies like EA, Ubisoft, Activision... These companies deserve to go out of business. I pray all 3 companies are gone tomorrow. I never buy a new game from these companies, always used. I don't want to give them even a penny of my money. If they actually tested their games and fixed the bugs before release.... If they actually fixed bugs found after release... I would give them my money in a heartbeat.
Gamestop is providing us with a way to show these companies how crappy they are and I take full advantage, as should everyone. The only way to get these companies to stop their horrible business practices is to either not buy their games, or buy them used.
That's all I heard, for 7 minutes and 33 seconds, whining.
Seriously, if these shoddy devs would stop making games that take 10-12 hours to complete and selling them for $60+ (Prince of Persia) then this wouldn't be an issue. If a game is very short, I buy it used. I don't feel the devs/publishers should get money for their laziness.
Look at Square-Enix lately. All their 360 games require 3+ playthroughs of short, 20-30 hours, games. Why? So they can artificially inflate the length of the game. I don't buy their games, even though they were my favorite company for 10+ years.
As the dude from Bethesda said, you make a good game, a long game, a game that's worth the money, people will buy it new. Less people will trade it in. I'm beginning to love Bethesda. I will NEVER trade my LE of Fallout 3 in or my LE of GTA4.
Also, let's think about the amount of bugs being released in games and never fixed, by companies like EA, Ubisoft, Activision... These companies deserve to go out of business. I pray all 3 companies are gone tomorrow. I never buy a new game from these companies, always used. I don't want to give them even a penny of my money. If they actually tested their games and fixed the bugs before release.... If they actually fixed bugs found after release... I would give them my money in a heartbeat.
Gamestop is providing us with a way to show these companies how crappy they are and I take full advantage, as should everyone. The only way to get these companies to stop their horrible business practices is to either not buy their games, or buy them used.
02/28/09 2:37 pm | #35
they're having a tournament today to win halo wars.. you play halo wars and then if you win you get a free copy march 3rd i don't know if that's the same for everyone
02/28/09 6:26 pm | #36
Another whinny attemp for a money grab.
What's next file complaints with Ebay? Drive through suburban neighborhoods and flip over yard sale tables b/c someone is trying to get rid of their copy of Madden '06?
Finally, I'm a journalist/photojournalist and I'm soooo offended by hypocrisy of these interviewers for G4. Have some balls and ask these guys some tough questions instead of basically letting them quote from press releases and trade publications.
What's next file complaints with Ebay? Drive through suburban neighborhoods and flip over yard sale tables b/c someone is trying to get rid of their copy of Madden '06?
Finally, I'm a journalist/photojournalist and I'm soooo offended by hypocrisy of these interviewers for G4. Have some balls and ask these guys some tough questions instead of basically letting them quote from press releases and trade publications.
02/28/09 11:13 pm | #38
All my local gamestops are cool. There are no idiots that work there (or that i've had transactions with) I enjoy my trips to gamestops. The only problem i have with them is that they dont pay enough for games xD
03/01/09 9:53 am | #39
I think GS is evil because every time I go into one, I get held hostage at the register while some guy behind the counter won't ring me out because I won't preorder a game or subscribe to a really bad magazine or buy a bunch of add on stuff. I did call a DM on one of the stores once because I wanted to buy one 15 dollar 360 game and the guy refused to ring me up until he printed a list of games that were on sale and bugged me until he hoped I caved.
Now with the whole used game market is evil, I am sure they can say the same about rentals and Gamefly, but it is as much on the developers as it is on GS. Yes GS does rip off people, but as somebody who worked for Game Crazy for 3 years, I know all the tools and tricks of the trade, and also know how quickly a game can price drop and how quickly a game can stop selling. I also help out now at a local Play N Trade and see what these guys pay for new games, pay for expense and pay for everything, so I see even more now than I did at GC.
But I also think it is on the developers though to make their game worth a 60 dollar purchase and to be kept in a game library, not something bought, kept for a short time then dumped for something newer or better. Look at Burnout Paradise, even a year later there are updates and new stuff coming out for that game, or even a Valve game. Meanwhile some games get little or no support because the developer got their money, or have fatal flaws in it that turn people off from the game and the developer doesn't care, like Madden or Call of Duty 4 and w@w where you can tell who is glitching, modding and cheating.
Now with the whole used game market is evil, I am sure they can say the same about rentals and Gamefly, but it is as much on the developers as it is on GS. Yes GS does rip off people, but as somebody who worked for Game Crazy for 3 years, I know all the tools and tricks of the trade, and also know how quickly a game can price drop and how quickly a game can stop selling. I also help out now at a local Play N Trade and see what these guys pay for new games, pay for expense and pay for everything, so I see even more now than I did at GC.
But I also think it is on the developers though to make their game worth a 60 dollar purchase and to be kept in a game library, not something bought, kept for a short time then dumped for something newer or better. Look at Burnout Paradise, even a year later there are updates and new stuff coming out for that game, or even a Valve game. Meanwhile some games get little or no support because the developer got their money, or have fatal flaws in it that turn people off from the game and the developer doesn't care, like Madden or Call of Duty 4 and w@w where you can tell who is glitching, modding and cheating.
03/01/09 10:21 am | #40
Quote by Aldogg:
I think GS is evil because every time I go into one, I get held hostage at the register while some guy behind the counter won't ring me out because I won't preorder a game or subscribe to a really bad magazine or buy a bunch of add on stuff.
YES!! They do that to me all the time.. but they did actually save me like half off one time. Some deal was going on that if I pre ordered like NCAA 09 MGS4 or some other game I would get half off, but the guy said that I could choose any game.
But most of the time GS rips me off.... that's why I keep almost all my games

03/01/09 10:22 am | #41
Quote by Epik Mithra:
Quote by CaptainMayhem88:
I buy used games, but not from Gamestop I buy them from Gamecrazy where you are actually able to inspect the condition of the disc, and the used titles there are usually cheaper than those at Gamestop.
I've never had any problem inspecting a used disk at gamestop. As a matter of fact I've never had a problem with gamestop period. Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones. *shrugs*
my only complaint about GS is trade-in value BUT that's not their problem, what if they give you a lot of money for a game that doesn't sell
I like their policies, you can return a used game in 7 days for any reason! that's like free rentals wtf
03/01/09 10:24 am | #42
Even still, a BRAND new game could come out like Halo Wars when it does. The highest it would sell for is 35$ if you trade it back in.....
03/01/09 10:28 am | #43
well, you shouldn't buy a new game and trade it into gamestop if you know what you're going to get back.. I mean result to ebay, bc even if you used it you could still get 50 bucks for the game, if you call and ask they give you a price before you even have to go down there