Archived: I still have it!
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I still have it!
07/28/07 11:12 am | #1
So after playing practily every game i own i have relized that i did not lose much of what i like to call my \"EDGE\"!!! I can still pwn my friends in Gears of War(well maby not at 2am)!!! I still can annihalate the comptation with my BR in Halo!!! Also the best thing is that i can still backflip headshot people in Small Arms!!! So its all good because i even got a 1 month gold card for the month i had missed!!! So thats my update and if anyone wants to play any Samll Arms then send a friend reqeust(i may need to delet someone so just message me!!!)
Re: I still have it!
08/02/07 2:12 am | #2
I bet my BR is betta than yours.

Re: I still have it!
08/02/07 10:48 am | #3
Quote by syztem x:
I bet my BR is betta than yours. 

Dont make me take out my brute shot!!!

Re: I still have it!
08/02/07 11:31 am | #4
My chainsaw would beat your chainsaw
Re: I still have it!
08/02/07 11:43 am | #5
I'm a lancer noob so you wouldn't get close to me with it you heathen!
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