Archived: Howdy Folks!!!
Posted Under: Introduce Yourself
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Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 5:10 pm | #16
Welcome sir...please send rev 1600 MS points and ask taco about the pitfalls of this place
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 6:02 pm | #17
Well.... I don't think I have ever had that many people say hi to me when I sign up for a forum community! You guys must be a tight knit bunch. That's great. Well I love cookies but I am more of a rice crispies treat kinda guy. Thanks any way! Also, Reverend Meta, Mercs 2 is kool but the controls are a little odd after playing 30 hours of Too Human! Thanks and I will see you guys in the forums for some crazy discussions!
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 6:59 pm | #19
Welcome. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
Sorry I haven't had any sleep in the past 5 days.
Sorry I haven't had any sleep in the past 5 days.
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 8:39 pm | #20
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 9:06 pm | #21
Welcome Welcome
Bones, you are now in the family
Bones, you are now in the family

Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/01/08 10:20 pm | #22
Welcome to the community
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 12:17 am | #24
Bievenidos al Sitio!
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 5:32 am | #25
Quote by bonedaddy83:
Well.... I don't think I have ever had that many people say hi to me when I sign up for a forum community! You guys must be a tight knit bunch. That's great. Well I love cookies but I am more of a rice crispies treat kinda guy. Thanks any way! Also, Reverend Meta, Mercs 2 is kool but the controls are a little odd after playing 30 hours of Too Human! Thanks and I will see you guys in the forums for some crazy discussions!
Quote by PSORaine:
tight knit? hahaha... Cody knits... I hear all gay guys can knit!
@bone - we arent tight knit..we just like our new members to feel welcome and warn them about or gays, waffles, bagels, occasional pancakes, and the scary dip and me, they can all get out of hand....
@raine - you know ive heard that too but havent seen if its true..
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 6:44 am | #26
whaaaaaaat's up! I too am human.
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 6:43 pm | #28
I can stitch together a rip in my jeans or something like that but knitting is far to .....uh what's the term........ queer for me! I apologize for the language but i think that that shit is definately for old ladies... So yeah... That is all.
(>")> *kirby eats knitters*
(>")> *kirby eats knitters*
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 7:11 pm | #29
welcome to the site!
Re: Howdy Folks!!!
09/02/08 9:25 pm | #30
Quote by bonedaddy83:
I can stitch together a rip in my jeans or something like that but knitting is far to .....uh what's the term........ queer for me! I apologize for the language but i think that that shit is definately for old ladies... So yeah... That is all.
(>")> *kirby eats knitters*
(>")> *kirby eats knitters*
that looks more like hugging then eating..but maybe its just me..